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White Wolf Wiki

A Daredevil is a paramorph in the Inspiration Age with the supposed ability to manipulate probability, although it is possible that Daredevils have no actual "powers" at all.


Unlike mesmerists and stalwarts, daredevils have no noticeable "powers." However, they have tremendous force of will that allows them to excel at nearly anything they put their mind do. They often have a tell-tale cockiness, born from repeatedly exceeding expectations and achieving the (supposedly) impossible.

Perhaps it is the case that fortune favors the bold. A gun jams before the daredevil gets shot; a convenient awning is just strong enough to cushion their fall; they fight through incredible injury, only losing consciousness when the job is done. Another possibility is that these coincidences aren't coincidences at all, but the result of subconscious manipulation of telluric energy.

Dardevils will be known in the future as paramorphs or superiors.

Known daredevils in the Inspiration Age:


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