White Wolf Wiki
White Wolf Wiki

Cynthia Razor, otherwise known as “Sin”, is a Toreador Rockergirl living in Night City by 2020.


Several years ago, Sin was one of the hottest rockers in Night City. She and her band had it all. They were on a one way ladder to success. Her music spoke eloquently about the human race plunging into a downward spiral and the destruction wrought by the Corporations that no one wanted to fix. Her protests were so strong that she attracted the attention of an Individualist Brujah, Trevor Miles. He began attending her shows and soon began dating her. The two would spend hours over several nights arguing politics and philosophy.

One night, Trevor asked her if she would care to live forever to make both the message and the messenger immortal. The idea didn’t shock her too badly and she accepted. Unfortunately, however, Taliaferro had seen this starting and hoped to resolve a feud between himself and Trevor by demonstrating Trevor’s inability to follow the laws.

Helen did not appreciate Trevor’s actions. He had attempted to create Progeny without her permission, so she sentenced him to be Blood Bound to her. Taliaferro was rewarded with permission to make a Neonate.

He chose Sin and blood bonded her to him—or so he thought. Over the last three months since her Embrace, Sin has been trying to work out an escape. She has already been caught twice, each time rewarded with draughts of Taliaferro’s blood.


Tall auburn haired woman wearing the violent and sexy styles of Chromatic rock. When she enters a room, she owns it. She almost never smiles

Roleplaying Hints[]

You’re hot, but only so you can get your message out to those who need to hear it. Don’t make yourself irritating; you’re charismatic, not pushy. If you can’t convince with words, convince with actions.

Character Sheet[]

Influence: Her influence only extends over her fans, but she can incite them to riot if necessary.

