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Cyberfetishes (AKA Technofetishes) are fetishes that compose of both mechanical and organic components attached to a Garou. They were first introduced in the Umbra: The Velvet Shadow sourcebook and can be found from the CyberRealm. Cyber Wolves, the Glass Walkers Tribe, Drones, members of Shinzui Industries and the Cyber Dogs Camp are known to use Cyberfetishes. It also wouldn't be unusual for members of the Virtual Adepts, Sons of Ether and Iteration X to use Mage-ordinated Cyberfetishes as well.

See also WeaverTech.


Cyberfetishes are created by binding Weaver-spirits into a shapeshifter's body; this process turns the body part in question mechanical. Cyberfetishes are automatically considered dedicated items, remaining with the shapeshifter no matter what form he takes; they also count against the shapeshifter's limit toward dedicated items (which can be trouble, considering they aren't removable). If harmed, a cyberfetish doesn't regenerate with the shapeshifter, causing further potential problems.

Regular Cyber Realm Fetishes[]

  • Identification Card/ID Card - Level 1/3, Gnosis 3/7 - This fetish ID card masks the bearer as an emanation of the CyberRealm, letting her pass as a native resident of the realm and potentially giving her access to restricted areas.
  • Geomid Fragment - Level 3, Gnosis 7 - This geometric solid is a piece of an information geomid. While the fetish is activated, the wielder is considered to be "of the Weaver" by all Weaver-spirits; the Gift: Sense Weaver will also register the wielder as possessing strong Weaver energies.
  • Phreak Box - Level 4, Gnosis 6 - This piece of machinery is a fetish created by the CyberWolves. When activated, a Phreak box allows a Garou to open doorways into and out of data clusters in the Computer Web. The Phreak Box also gives its possessor the power to shift the Mirco Level environment by making a Gnosis roll (difficulty 6). When in use the Phreak box emits high pitched sounds. There is a Technofetish version of the Phreak Box, created by reworking a Garou's throat.

List of Cyberfetishes[]

  • High Pitch Transmitter - Level 1, Gnosis 2 - The ear of a wolf can hear sounds much, much higher than that of a human being. This Cyberfetish raises the Garou's voice tone beyond the human range of hearing but within the wolf range, allowing the Glass Walkers to speak while remaining inaudible to humans. Whilst this fetish may be used in any form, only Garou in Crinos, Hispo or Lupus will hear the signal.
  • Personal Reserves - Level 3, Gnosis 6 - Sometimes, there just aren't enough bullets. This Cyberfetish consists of a long metal tube that goes into the Glass Walkers stomach through his side. This tube can then be inserted into a specially-made firearm. Once the clip in the firearm is exhausted, the Glass Walker can literally feed his own Rage or Gnosis into the gun to reload it, one point for each full reload. The bullets are formed and then stored inside the Glass Walker's stomach.
  • Lightning Claws - Level 3/4, Gnosis 5 - To create this fetish, Weaver-spirits are mystically bound into the recipient's claws. The claws become metallic and remain extruded even in homid form. When striking with the claws, the shapeshifter gives off an electrical shock, adding two dice of electrical damage to the damage from the claws themselves. The shapeshifter may also attempt to short-circuit machinery by touching it and rolling Gnosis (difficulty variable, depending on the complexity of the machine).
  • Steel Fur/Hide - Level 4, Gnosis 5 - This fetish is created by binding a metal elemental into a shapeshifter's fur, scales or what have you. The recipient permanently looks like a chrome statue of a human, animal or hybrid making social interaction with humans downright impossible. However, he gains three dice to all soak rolls, even against aggravated damage. This Fetish counts as two dedicated items.
  • Body Reformation Engine - Level 4, Gnosis 7 - Blatantly abusing the werewolf's ability to regenerate and shapeshift, this complex system of nanotech grinders spread throughout the Glass Walker's body deliberately destroys their physical form whilst a hormonal injection stops regeneration returning the body to its natural state but instead rebuilds the body in its new state. By doing this, the Garou can extend limbs out to ridiculous lengths, completely redesign their physical shape (height, weight, etc.), turn their body into a single long snakelike tube, or any other number of tricks.

List of Weaver Patches (Talens)[]

These are a variety of patches that inject their contents through the skin when slapped firmly onto a being. These patches may contain any liquid, but there are a few special mixes found in Spider City.

  • Booster Patch - Gnosis 3 - This patch works similarly to the stabilizer patch. This patch increases one Physical Attribute by three points for an entire scene. At the end of the scene, the shapeshifter must make a Willpower roll. Failure indicates he becomes addicted to the booster patch and must seek out more.
  • Stabilizer Patch - Gnosis 5 - This patch resembles a Band-Aid. When pressed against the skin, it sends swarms of nanospiders into the shapeshifter's body. The shapeshifter is automatically forced into breed form. Any Banes or other spirits possessing her body must make an opposed Gnosis roll against the patch's Gnosis plus the Garou's Gnosis, scoring more successes, or be expelled. Finally, the shapeshifter must make an opposed Gnosis roll against the patch's Gnosis or take one level of aggravated damage for each success by which the patch beats her. (This last effect also works against Wyld- and Wyrm-creatures.)


Werewolf: The Apocalypse Fetishes and Talens
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