Curses are the supernatural afflictions that plague Inquisitors in Dark Ages: Inquisitor.
There are many ways an Inquisitor may gain a Curse: botching a Conviction or Superior Virtue roll is a common one, as is learning an Endowment during play (as opposed to during "downtime"). A character may also voluntarily take on a Curse in order to learn Endowment powers above their current level. There are different categories of Curses, and Curses in each category are ranked into three levels; the first Curse a character acquires at each level must be from the category associated with their order.
- Anathemae - Oculi Dei
- Interdictions - Knights of Acre
- Maledicto - House of Murnau
- Stigmata - Red Order
- Visitations - Sisters of St. John
If a character has more Curse levels than the sum of their Piety + Superior Virtues, they fall into a state called Cocytus. Only by spending Conviction to raise one of their Superior Virtues can they redeem themselves.