White Wolf Wiki

The Crystal Grove is a Freehold in the Kingdom of Pacifica.


Crystal Grove

In the Waking World, this freehold glade is a particularly thorny and impassable hedge in a small park on the University of California: Berkeley campus. The park in which the glen is located has been used by students over the years for everything from making love to sampling psychedelic drugs. All of this activity has certainly had an effect on the grove.

To enchanted eyes, it is a place of crystalline trees, the air filled with the light tinkling of the leaves brushing against each other. It is an open, airy place filled with the Glamour of young lovers and Dreamers who have whiled away their hours in the vicinity.

Once one passes around to the other side, there is an open pathway of silvery moonlight guarded by a pair of vicious-looking griffin chimera. There is the music of enchanted instruments within, and the bright silvery laughter of the fae.

The glen belongs to Sir Adrian.


  1. CTD. Book of Storyteller Secrets, pp. 21-22.