White Wolf Wiki

In the Book of Nod, the Crone is an apocryphal figure of unknown origins who taught Caine of the power of the blood bond and the stake. The Crone is sometimes identified as, or confused with, Lilith, the Dark Mother of Noddist eschatology.

In order to win the heart of Zillah, Caine sought out the Crone, who taught him how to blood bond Zillah to himself. In exchange, the Crone enslaved Caine through her own blood bond. She also took a number of Caine's descendants to herself; these Cainites were never seen again. Presumably, she devoured them. A year and a day after the Crone first enslaved Caine, the blood bond faded, and Caine staked her and left her to burn in the sun.

The Crone is prophesied to rise again at Gehenna to seek revenge against Caine (whose track record with women isn't particularly encouraging). In "Fair is Foul", one of the scenarios detailed in the Gehenna sourcebook, the Crone takes the alias "Eickos" and allies herself with Lilith and her Apostates against Caine.

The Nosferatu Methuselah Baba Yaga is also sometimes called "the Crone", among other epithets, although she is probably unrelated to this Crone.

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