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Creatures of the Wyld is a sourcebook for Exalted First Edition.


The Dangers of the Wyld are Many
From the icy wastes of the North to the blasted deserts of the South, from the wood-shaded depths of the far East to the mirror expanse of the Western sea, Creation teems with beasts both wondrous and terrible. There are sorcerous prodigies and Wyld-tainted mutants, automata of the First Age and the great Behemoths from the morning of the world.
Do You Walk Among Them, or Hunt Them?
Creatures of the Wyld describes over 60 of the strange and fabulous beings that walk Creation in the Second Age of Man. From the most terrible of predators to the cleverest of tricksters, this book displays the panoply of amazing beasts that inhabit the setting of Exalted. With each entry bursting with setting material, this book is an ideal resource for Storytellers and for players of savants and sorcerers.



The North[]

Arctic Demitaur, Great-Terror, Horned Snow Hunter, Hushed Ones, Ice Hollow, Lodestar, The Mice of the Sun, Mount Mostath, Snow Lion, Undercoat, White Devineko, Winter Rose

The East[]

Chakra Orchid, Chaun, Claw Strider, The Devil Tiger of Larjyn, Forest Mimic, Gravehound, Heart Wasp, Helgrifnir the Fen-Hound, Ink Monkey, Komodo Rat, No Key the Mushroom King, Panic Monkey, Piney, Redwood Mantis, Strangler's Serpent, Tree-Singer

The South[]

Abacasteri, Ash Devourer, Desert Basilisc, Eight-Tailed Mole Hound, The Five-Metal Shrike, Furnace Rhino, Hound of Autochthon, Mukade the Black-Iron Centipede, Rapace, Sandswimmer, Sayla the Yellow Wyrm, Sleeper in the Sand, The Zukuluka

The West[]

Air Kraken, The Brass Leviathan, Earth-Shattering Worm, Fire Ant, Great Sea Elk, Kaigani Berg Rider, Mokrelus the Many-Handed, Nymph’s Blood, Oliphem, Watcher of the Sea, Pelagial, Rock-Roller, Singer of the Deep, Spring-Belly, The Thousand Hungry Wings

The Scavenger Lands[]

Arad the Hunter, Brass Legionnaire, Chillikin, Five Days Darkness, Flesh Pet, Giant Rat and Emperor Rat, Grate Monkey, The Harvester of Poisons, Illuthrita, Karmeus, Mother Bog, Proto Puma Prime, Snakebud Tree, Thousand-Forged Dragon, The Tree of the Inchoate

Background Information[]

The Rest of the Creatures, a pdf-only supplement to this book, was made available for free on White Wolf's website, containing content that was cut from the print release. This bonus material was taken offline by CCP along with White Wolf's original website, but the pdf is still available here.

The North[]

Apheliotrope, Ice Fisher, Shard Bat

The East[]

Bear-Killer, Nilljake, Starlight Whistler

The South[]

Cactus Snake, Serpent of Colorless Fire

The West[]

Boar Seal, Giant Flying Hagfish

The Scavenger Lands[]

The Clay Man, the Lookshy Rebel, Tomb Beast

Memorable Quotes[]



(See above)


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