White Wolf Wiki

Creatures of the Dreamseed is a English translated sourcebook for the Engel RPG from Feder & Schwert.


From White Wolf Quarterly's Sword & Sorcery Insider Winter 2003 Volume 1.1:

A Monk on a Holy Mission...

Compiled by Friar Domenico during a seven year pilgrimage across post-apocalypse Europe, this journal contains observations and sketches of the many bizarre creatures of the Dreamseed. With this tome, the church and its angelic orders may better know the horrors that plague the world.

To Catalog the Bizarre Dreamseed Creatures

The first supplement for the Engel roleplaying game is an elegant journal written in character and followed by a large appendix that provides D20 statistics for all the Dreamseed creatures.

Background Information[]

The German book is listed on DrivethruRPG as Engel - Creatures of the Dreamseed.

Previous release:
Engel: Pandoramicum (book)
Game Books
Engel books
Next release:
Engel: Order Book: Michaelites