White Wolf Wiki

Creamy Jade, born Monique Kim, is a Chinese-Canadian 10th generation Toreador antitribu and member of the Widows pack within the Sabbat.


She was born and raised in Montréal's Chinatown until her parents were murdered. She developed a love of art, eventually going to art school and becoming a great sculptor. She became depressed when her work did not satisfy her anymore and turned to drugs until she was destitute on the street. There she was Embraced, but it is a hazy memory.

Monique took on the name "Creamy Jade" and worked as a silversmith for the Sabbat, creating weapons and other objects. The Rose taught her Vicissitude and Creamy found a new medium to sculpt that inspired her – human flesh.

Creamy is fascinated by children and preserving their innocence. She sees the world as a dark place that corrupts all. She has Embraced many children hoping to give them salvation and beauty, but they turn into little demons instead of angels.


Creamy always wears silk robes or dresses with silver and jade jewelry. She resembles a marble statue with extremely cold, pale skin, narrow green eyes with delicate childlike beauty.


Chaining the Beast has a template for Creamy Jade's childe, one Justine Chen. In the book Justine is listed as being 12th generation, which means that Creamy Jade may have committed diablerie at some point. However, her oldest childe, Tears, is an 11th generation vampire, and unless Tears also committed diablerie, the conflicting information might be a simple mistake by the authors.[1]

Character Sheet[]



  1. VTM: Chaining the Beast, p. 118-120