The Ritual Discipline taught by the Circle of the Crone, Crúac is an ancient art - described by some opponents of the covenant as a literal infection of Vitae, living within its practitioners. The power summoned by Crúac rites is the power of the Beast itself, paid in blood and invoking the primal gods of the Crone. Casting a rite is a fervent and ecstatic experience and Acolytes often push the edge of frenzy when they perform their sorcery. Crúac works its sorcery on flesh, wood, and stone through the aura of the Beast.
As a power deeply linked to the Beast, and because it rouses and harnesses its power, Crúac use pushes Acolytes away from humanity and requires them to reject the Man. Crúac often seems deeply suspicious to those Kindred who know about the Strix in any detail; some Strix even use Crúac rites with a proficiency equal to any Acolyte. Who learned the Discipline first is a mystery and Strix ritualists require Kindred Vitae, not their own shadow-stuff, to feed into their rites - the Strix can only use it with revenant or Kindred hosts or by murdering captive ghouls and vampires for their blood. The Strix are possessive of Crúac and extract high prices from Acolytes who seek to learn rites only the Owls know.
Crúac Rites[]
Only Acolytes in good standing with their covenant may learn Crúac and its rites. If an Acolyte ritualist loses all status with the Circle of the Crone, they may still use and develop the Discipline but cannot learn more rites. Some Acolytes hunt down ex-members for theft of the covenant’s secrets and attempting to teach Crúac to outsiders. The All Night Society regards ex-Acolytes with a mixture of superstition and apprehension; bad things happen to Kindred who practice Crúac outside of the Crone’s protection, from simple misfortune to being targeted by the Strix. Stories disagree on whether the “curse of the lone ritualist” can be blamed on the covenant or has something to do with the Discipline itself.
Crúac rites cost Vitae, as though fueling a Discipline. The first Vitae is spent by the caster, while any remaining Vitae used must be spilled in the ritual’s casting and not necessarily by the caster - mortal blood is insufficient until it has been consumed by a vampire and turned into Vitae. Some Acolytes force their students to sacrifice Vitae for especially costly rites or murder captured Kindred as part of the ritual. Vampire blood spilled during a rite becomes inert and unsuitable for feeding.
One-Dot Rites[]
Pangs of Proserpina: The victim suffers feelings of intense hunger, provoking frenzy in Kindred. The victim may be up to a mile away from the ritual during casting and is starving for the purposes of resisting frenzy, regardless of how much blood they have consumed.
Rigor Mortis: The victim, who must be a vampire within a mile of the ritual, suffers the loss of the reanimating power of Vitae.
The Mantle of Amorous Fire: To enact this ritual the Acolyte must dance through the entirety of its casting, putting themselves into a sort of ecstatic trance. They must enact the Blush of Life as part of the ritual - the cost of which counts as the cost of the ritual. Once complete they fall, sweaty and exhausted, and must spend Willpower to force their body to stand; they stand proud, fiery, lusty, and invigorated.
The Pool of Forbidden Truths: This rite has the Acolyte spill their blood into a vessel, a basin, a cup - anything that can hold it - and choose a topic they wish to divine. They place within it a vector for prophecy, be it tea, bones, or something more personal. The blood swirls and shows them truths beyond reality. These truths bend their mind and crush down on their sense of identity. With effort and wit, they can interpret the revelation.
Two-Dot Rites[]
Cheval: The subject of this ritual must be present at the casting, being physically touched by the ritualist. For the rest of the night, the ritualist may see and hear what the subject does, no matter how far away they are.
Mantle of the Beast’s Breath: As with Mantle of Amorous Fire, the vampire must dance into a trance for the entire casting of this ritual, activate Blush of Life, and must use Willpower to stand from the exhaustion. Once cast, they become enraptured; this relates to an intimate, sensual connection with their Beast instead of a passion for any god. Additionally, they may add their Crúac to ride the wave of frenzy.
Shed the Virulent Bowels: This rite only works against living creatures. The Acolyte must have a lock of hair, nail clipping, or other waste from the victim’s body as part of the ritual; once the ritual is cast, the Acolyte may trigger it at any time in the course of the next lunar month. If the victim fails to contest the ritual at that time, their gullet splits wide and their bowels eject from their body. Without immediate medical attention, they will certainly die - even with such attention, survival is highly unlikely. An alternative version of this ritual forces the victim to choke on nails that appear within their stomach and is functionally identical, but the manifestation appears differently and leaves a much more supernatural corpse.
The Hydra’s Vitae: The ritualist lays a curse on their own blood, transforming it into poison. Vampires and striges drinking from the ritualist suffer lethal damage per Vitae taken and gain no nourishment from it. Blood is only venomous as long as it is in the ritualist’s system and the effect ends at the next sunrise.
Three-Dot Rites[]
Curse of Aphrodite’s Favor: This ritual “gifts” a subject with a victim’s love. In many cases, Acolytes use this ritual as an object lesson to neonates cursing their inability to find intimacy after the Embrace, as it creates an all-consuming obsession and lust within the victim. The ritual creates a potion, of which the victim must consume three separate drops on three separate nights - the potion lasts until imbibed and the casting creates three effective drops. If the ritual takes effect the victim gains the effects of a full Vinculum, all relating to the subject of the ritual. The ritualist cannot be the subject of the ritual.
Curse of the Beloved Toy: To cast this ritual, the Acolyte needs two things: a victim and a beloved possession of the victim’s. As part of the ritual, they must kill the victim and if the ritual succeeds, the victim’s soul inhabits the possession from that point forward - haunting and cursing it. If a new owner uses the item, the ghost can expend Vitae spent in the casting to cause a single action taken by the new owner to dramatically fail. Typically, this occurs at highly inopportune or dangerous times.
Deflection of Wooden Doom: The ritualist wards themselves from having their heart impaled. All attempts to stake the ritualist fail until the next sunrise.
Donning the Beast’s Flesh: This rite allows the Acolyte to skin a beast and craft a mystical hood, cloak, mask, or other article of clothing from its flesh. When any vampire dons the accessory, they can take the rough shape of the animal with the expenditure of Vitae and a period of transformation. The animal is a vague approximation, but imperfect in unnatural ways to a trained observer. Unlike the transformations granted by Protean, the vampire loses access to all Disciplines save for Auspex in the beast’s shape.
Mantle of the Glorious Dervish: As with Mantle of Amorous Fire, the vampire must dance into a trance for the entire casting of this ritual, activate Blush of Life, and must use Willpower to stand from the exhaustion. Once cast, the Acolyte gains a number of advantages for the remainder of the night. They gain armor against all attacks as their flesh has tensed and numbed, any successful attack they may causes an additional level of damage, and they cannot be ambushed or surprised as they are constantly expecting battle.
Touch of the Morrigan: The ritualist pours the consuming, tearing force of their Beast into their hands and may attempt to strike an opponent with their open palm. The first time the Acolyte does so, the victim suffers lethal wounds. The ritual ends when it is first used or at the next sunrise, whichever is sooner.
Four-Dot Rites[]
Blood Blight: The ritualist mystically destroys their victim’s blood. Mortal victims suffer lethal damage while Kindred, Strix, and ghoul victims lose Vitae. This will usually provoke frenzy in Kindred.
Blood Price: The ritualist claims blood consumed by their ritual’s subject; the subject must be a vampire or ghoul present for the casting. Every time the subject drinks blood, Vitae is gained by the ritualist instead of by the subject. The effect of the ritual ends at the next sunrise.
Bounty of the Storm: With this rite the Acolyte curses a victim with the force of storms, leaving the victim battered and surrounded by the dead, but rewarded with strange wealth for the assault. The curse requires a deeply personal object from the victim at the time of casting, which the Acolyte’s blood consumes; between one week and one lunar month later, when the victim is around a group of bystanders, the storm strikes. It could be a typhoon, a tornado, a hurricane, a dust storm, or any other devastating weather phenomenon. Approximately a third of the bystanders - not the victim - die as result of the storm. Afterward, the storm leaves massive wealth to the victim; this could be an insurance settlement, found cash, valuables, or any other form of coincidental wealth.
Feeding the Crone: The ritualist transforms their fangs into a maw of wicked, flesh-tearing teeth. They gain no Vitae from feeding as long as the ritual remains in effect, but their bite deals aggravated damage. The effect of the ritual fades at the next sunrise or if they use Vitae to cancel it early, transforming their features back to normal.
Gorgon’s Gaze: This rite infects the Acolyte’s eyes with a milky, claylike substance and they become unable to see while the ritual is prepared. The next time a victim sees their eyes, the ritual takes effect and is “expended", flushing their eyes of the substance and allowing their sight to return - this causes the victim’s limbs to turn to stone. For mortals, the limb is forever transformed and useless while for Kindred, the limbs heal when the damage heals. A full transformation is lethal to mortals while for Kindred, it renders them torpid.
Gwydion's Curse: The ritualist soaks the earth with the sacrificed Vitae, where the roots of living things absorb it and grow wroth - the will of the blood animates all trees and other large plants within the Crúac's radius, prompting them to attack anyone who comes within reach. Animated plants use the Acolyte’s Blood Potency, deal bashing damage, and possess Vitae split among the plants as the vampire wishes. This curse lasts until the sun next rises.
Manananggal’s Working: As part of the ritual, the Acolyte cuts off as many parts of their body as they wish, allowing them to move on their own through the volition of the Vitae itself and perform tasks independent of them. Because the vampire tears their own body apart as part of the magic, all the sacrificed Vitae for this rite must be their own. The ritual lasts until the next sunrise, at which point the parts return and reattach themselves to the vampire’s body. Any part detained, destroyed, or harmed beyond any ability to return bursts into a spray of viscera - the ritualist regrows the lost part within an hour of the ritual’s end.
Mantle of the Predator Goddess: As with Mantle of Amorous Fire, the vampire must dance into a trance for the entire casting of this ritual, activate Blush of Life, and must use Willpower to stand from the exhaustion. Once cast, the Acolyte flows with the grace of a perfect predator for the rest of the night and adds their Crúac to feeding. Most everyone around them all but begs for their attention, stumbling into vulnerable positions with a subconscious prayer to prostrate themselves on their altar. Any character they feed from is enraptured at the sensation and them.
Scapegoat: The ritualist rips their Humanity out and feeds the rite’s Vitae sacrifice to a mortal victim. Until the next sunrise, the ritualist cannot risk detachment and is not affected by certain banes. Instead, the victim suffers the banes and any breaking points the vampire would face during this time.
Willful Vitae: The ritualist makes themselves immune to Vinculum and blood addiction for the remainder of the night. The ritual does not counteract any addiction or Vinculum that the ritualist already has.
Five-Dot Rites[]
Birthing the God: With this ritual, an Acolyte opens themselves up to the creative force of the Crone. Their coven convenes and each contributes Vitae and body parts as a sacrifice. The body parts can come from anywhere - from anything - but must be connected as part of the ritual and must be enough to build a full, roughly humanoid form. The coven determines the god’s name, with each participant contributing one word to the epithet title. With the name, the blood, and the body, a thing exists where there was none before and once crafted, the god rapidly grows inside the ritualist before bursting out of them. Each such “god” is different; some patchwork abominations, some strange amalgamations of numerous features, some otherworldly beautiful. No matter the form, these monsters are alien and unsettling.
Denying Hades: With this rite, the Acolyte pulls a recently dead mortal’s spirit forcibly back from wherever it was going and thrusts it back into its corpse. To do so, the vampire feeds the corpse the Vitae used in the ritual casting. The person gasps back to life, regardless of the circumstances of death. They do not stop rotting, they are fully conscious and aware, and they cannot sleep. While they remain “alive”, the Acolyte suffers aggravated wounds they cannot heal until the corpse is laid to rest. This manifests with their flesh drying, flaking, and crumbling like a long-dead cadaver.
Mantle of the Crone: As with Mantle of Amorous Fire, the vampire must dance into a trance for the entire casting of this ritual, activate Blush of Life, and must use Willpower to stand from the exhaustion. Once cast, the ritualist takes on the bearing of the Crone. For the remainder of the night, every character that witnesses them gains primeval truths and their touch causes aggravated wounds. By touching an inanimate object and spending Willpower, they can rouse the object to life; it effectively becomes an animal of similar intelligence to a small lizard and mobility limited by its form. It cannot become differently mobile, but can move itself in vague accordance to its shape. It may be subject to Animalism and dies within one night, as its body gives out and falls apart.
Crúac Styles[]
Crúac Styles reflect the inner fuel, the bloody fertilizer within an Acolyte that fuels their Crúac. They not only flavor the results but bring an additional layer to the ritual’s effect. The casting of Crúac is a vine and the desired effect the fruit; a Crúac Style is a flower that grows along that vine.
Adding a Style’s effect is optional; an Acolyte can choose before casting the Crúac ritual whether or not they wish for the additional effect. An Acolyte may only have one Crúac Style. They may eventually shed one and adopt another, but this is a redefining moment in their life that must accompany a loss in Humanity as they face the truth of their mystical Vitae and a rebirth of person.
The following three Styles are the most common exhibited by Crúac users. Other, rarer kinds exist.
Crúac Style: Opening the Void: The Acolyte’s affinity for the Void shows in their magic; when they cast Crúac, they open a tiny gate to somewhere unknown and allows the Acolyte to birth and summon forth a familiar of sorts. It appears as a strange conglomeration of darkness and animal parts; the Acolyte can force it into a humanoid or animal shape. The creature will follow basic commands blindly but will attempt minor rebellions, fades from existence after several hours, and only one such monster will be present at a given time.
Crúac Style: Primal Creation: An Acolyte’s Crúac is attuned to a force of primal creation. When they cast their rituals, life blooms rampant around them; plants multiply in size, infertile characters become remarkably fertile, and animals grow. When activating Crúac, all plants within their Crúac's range rapidly grow in size and any plant, animal, or person that’s likely to bear offspring in the next year will bear twice the normal amount. With Willpower, the Style forces immediate and violent, rapid cloning.
Crúac Style: Unbridled Chaos: An Acolyte’s Crúac exhibits unbridled chaos. When they enact their rituals, things warp and change around them. The weather shifts suddenly in their vicinity - at higher levels of the Style and of Crúac, this may summon forth natural disasters. Objects around them change on a molecular level to other substances and at higher levels this can warp and mutate animals, forcing unnatural and rapid evolutions.
First Edition - Crúac Rituals[]
Crúac is the ritual blood magic practiced by the Circle of the Crone. Crúac rituals always require the sacrifice of Vitae. Crúac has a singularly insidious drawback: advancement in the knowledge of Crúac comes at a terrible price to The Man, as the knowledge of Crúac's more powerful rituals serves to strengthen The Beast at the expense of The Man.[1]
Crúac is a ritual discipline, with more than one ritual per dot; each level may be purchased at 7x New Dots experience, which allows the player access to one ritual from that level.[2] New rituals may be learned if you have already purchased the level of the desired ritual, and have a cost of 2x New Dots.[2] All Crúac Rituals regardless of level cost at least 1 vitae to perform.[1]
Rituals are organized by number of dots needed to take them.
One-Dot Rituals[]
- Abduction to the Underworld or The Appeasement of Demeter - Shortens the length of torpor, and makes it easier to recall slumber visions.[3]
- Balancing the Four Humors - Prevents extreme conditions from affecting the blood of vampires.[4]
- Blood Witness - Allows blood to be left behind, allowing the ritualist to see what the blood sees.[5]
- The Boyar's Caul - Uses a face mask to gain some sort of prophecy about an influential person.[6]
- Confidence in Adversity - Sacrifices 10-Again rolls in order to gain an extra point of Willpower.[7]
- Drops of Destiny - Shapes a glass of water into a small prophetic image.[7]
- Fires of Inspiration - Uses the blood to gain a bonus of Crafts or Expression for a specific work of art.[7]
- Love-Lies-Bleeding - Reduces the visibility of diablerie marks in the caster's aura.[8]
- Pangs of Proserpina - Causes the target to lust for food or Vitae.[9]
- Pythian Renewal - A painful ritual that reduces the apparent age of a subject.[10]
- Rigor Mortis - Binds a target's muscles, reducing their ability to move.[9]
- Spring Sanctification - A rite of the vernal equinox, allowing for a cow's blood to be nourishing to any Kindred.[11]
- Tapas to Brahma - A ritual of penance giving bonuses to conquest or political domination.[12]
- Tapas to Hannuman - A ritual of penance giving bonuses to Animal Ken.[12]
- Tapas to Ma Durga - A ritual of penance giving bonuses to sword use.[12]
- Taste of Knowledge - Upon the next feeding, the feeder gains a single piece of knowledge known by the vessel.[7]
- The Mother's Touch - Transmute some of the ritualist's blood into blood of the Crone, which is then drunk by the ritualist.[13]
- Visage of the Crone - Ages a subject by at least ten years for a number of nights.[7]
Two-Dot Rituals[]
- Barrier of Blood - Wards windows, doors, and other passages with a barrier that prevents entry.[5]
- Cernunnos's Horn - All sexual encounters the target has until next sunrise will prove fertile.[14]
- Cheval - Allows the ritualist to ride the senses of another, perceiving everything that they perceive.[9]
- Dreaming the Other - Uses an enemy's eyes and ears to relay information to the caster.[15]
- Gora Mukhi - Turns the caster into a terrifying monster that is exceptionally intimidating.[12]
- Harai - Removes injuries, diseases, or morality loss from a mortal that the caster has recently fed from.[16]
- Hawthorn Barrier - Uses a hawthorn plant to create a nearly impenetrable barrier of thorns.[17]
- The Heliolater's Warning - Wakes the caster from her sleep if ambient light levels change dramatically during her sleep.[4]
- The Hydra's Vitae - Turns the user's blood into an acid, dealing lethal damage to those who try to drink it.[9]
- Imperious Call - Forces a spirit to materialize in front of the ritualist.[18]
- Maiden Skin - Perfects unbroken skin, giving the user a temporary Armor rating.[10]
- Maya - Focuses the senses of the caster and the target in order to allow the two to become one.[19]
- Mononoke - Assigns a symbolic name to a person, allowing the ritualist to see what she sees.[16]
- The Mother's Eye - The ritual cuts her own eye and heals it in the water, giving supernatural vision.[20]
- Painted Fears - Creates a piece of artwork that makes viewers fear the subject matter.[21]
- Path of Thorns - Curses the ground to deal damage to whoever walks on it.[10]
- Prey's Blood - Marks a target, making them significantly easier to track.[22]
- Rex Sanguis Sacrorum - Uses a sacrifice to temporarily allow the ritualist to see the entirety of her past.[23]
- Rite of the Bloody Crossroads - Allows the ritualist to predict what people will come to a certain area.[24]
- Rite of the Circle Path - Reveals a fateful meeting between two people or objects.[24]
- Soul's Work - Stores Willpower into a piece of art, allowing it to be withdrawn later.[25]
- Succulent Buboes - Allows for extra points of Vitae to be stored inside fleshy pustules on the vampire's skin.[25]
- Wisdom of the Soul - The caster enters a trance to produce a piece of art that tells the future.[25]
Three-Dot Rituals[]
- Beloved Deodand - Forms a mystic link between the ritualist and an object capable of killing, giving the user a Vitae every time it kills someone.[25]
- Blood Portrait - Uses a person's blood to create a living portrait of themselves.[26]
- Deflection of Wooden Doom - Prevents staking attempts on the ritualist from succeeding.[27]
- Doorways of Eye and Mind - Keeps the mind of a torpid vampire awake and active throughout the duration of torpor.[23]
- Final Service of the Slave - Kills off a Retainer, in order to temporarily gain skill or attribute equal to its ability.[25]
- Fire the Cauldron - Permits a female Kindred to carry a Dampyr child.[28]
- Flower of Demeter - Raises a lily in a human corpse that both inspires Kindred and allows them to manifest the blush of life for an entire night.[29]
- Hag Mask - Allows the user to increase her Defense or Intimidation, at the cost of severe ugliness.[30]
- The Metamorphosis of Spilt Blood - Prepares a temple using the ritualist's blood, giving the user a number of benefits while in the temple.[31]
- The Mother's Blessing - Allows for even sterile Kindred to successfully embrace a childe.[6]
- The Mother's Mark - Burns a mark into Kindred that, if desired, can be permanent and irremovable.[32]
- Rain - Creates rain, or, alternatively, fog, sleet, snow, or clear skies.[33]
- Servant from the Hidden Realms - Compels a spirit to carry out a single command, by means of an offering of Essence.[18]
- Song of the Blood - If the ritualist falls into a dangerous situation, relatives of the ritualist, such as childer and their sire, will sense the danger.[4]
- Taste of Destiny - The ritualist eats a written out course of action, to determine whether it is wise or unwise.[33]
- Tiamat Offspring - Creates a homunculus using a variety of human parts.[33]
- Tickblood - Increases the amount of blood that a mortal holds, up to twice their normal amount.[22]
- Touch of the Morrigan - Damages a Kindred target with a touch.[27]
- Veiled Curse - Curses a mortal in a way that spirits will harass him, or at least be aware of him.[34]
Four-Dot Rituals[]
- Bleeding the Tarantula - Creates a spider made of blood, to watch over the ritualist while they sleep.[4]
- Blood Price - Takes a tithe of one-third of the Vitae that a subject drinks.[27]
- Eternal Guardian of the Dark Moon - Binds a spirit to help the user for the approximate duration of a month.[34]
- Eye of the Norn - Enchants a mirror to show the viewer who someone most needs to confront.[35]
- Fount of Wisdom - By identifying someone the user intends to feed from, they can gain a dot of skill from them, as opposed to Vitae.[35]
- Mask of Blood - Transforms the user into a person upon feeding from them, though no Vitae is gained.[36]
- Sacrifice of Odin - An extremity or sense organ is sacrificed in order to increase the potency of Willpower usage.[36]
- Willful Vitae - Makes the ritualist temporarily immune to Vinculum and blood addiction upon consuming Vitae.[37]
Five-Dot Rituals[]
- A Child from the Stones - Creates a gargoyle over a great and laborious crafting process.[36]
- As One - The ritualist becomes the spirit of a given area, granting them a large variety of situational bonuses.[36]
- Blood Blight - Taints blood to be no longer useful, dealing lethal damage to humans, or destroying Kindred Vitae.[37]
- Crone's Renewal - Sacrifices a point of Blood Potency to Embrace a childe at Blood Potency 2, to help avoid torpor from high Blood Potency.[38]
- Curse of Ahasverus - Causes a target's connections to turn against them, making them into an outcast in a short period of time.[4]
- Feeding the Crone - Transmutes the caster's mouth into a deadly weapon, that deals aggravated damage, but can absorb no Vitae.[37]
- Heart's Curse - The ritualist stabs herself in the heart, cursing the target as a means of taking revenge.[39]
- Ianus' Blessing - Temporarily changes the user's Blood Potency, either up or down.[40]
- Regression - Degenerates blood into something that can no longer sustain life or vampiric power.[19]
- Roving Hut - Augments the ritualist's Haven, allowing it to become supernaturally located, secure, or sized.[38]
First Edition - Veneficia[]
Veneficia is an older form of Crúac based on the worship of Greco-Roman deities, practiced by the Cult of Augurs in Requiem for Rome. As of the modern day, it is an extinct discipline. In addition to having its own unique rituals, it contains iterations of several modern rituals. Whether its unique rituals can be taken by a modern user of Crúac, or if users of Veneficia may take Crúac rituals not mentioned in its description is up to the Storyteller's discretion.[41]
One-Dot Rituals[]
- Apollonian Sight - Shapes the entrails of a sacrifice into an image with prophetic power.[42]
- Call to Dionysus - Gives a bonus to the Socialize skill for those around an affected statue.[43]
- Call to Janus - Gives a bonus to the Persuasion skill for those around an affected statue.[43]
- Call to Mars - Gives a bonus to the Politics or Warfare skill for those around an affected statue.[43]
- Pangs of Proserpina - Same as the modern ritual.[42]
- The Gorgon's Touch - As the modern ritual Rigor Mortis[42]
Two-Dot Rituals[]
Three-Dot Rituals[]
Four-Dot Rituals[]
Five-Dot Rituals[]
First Edition - Sethite Crúac[]
The Followers of Seth shadow cult have developed their own form of Crúac that is distinct from that practiced by the Circle of the Crone; its rituals are mutually exclusive, unless someone were to be a member of both groups. Only members of the Followers of Seth with three or more dots of its unique merit may practice Sethite Crúac.[45][46]
One-Dot Rituals[]
Two-Dot Rituals[]
Three-Dot Rituals[]
Four-Dot Rituals[]
Five-Dot Rituals[]
Lithopedia, a type of ritual magic developed by Hunyadi Dorján that creates ties between the caster and his lands, were originally Crúac rituals, but in creating the Család bloodline, Hunyadi severed them from Crúac, producing a new ritual discipline. Although Lithopedia rituals are done in a nearly identical manner to Crúac rituals, they cannot be taken by users of Crúac under any circumstance, and Lithopedia users must learn Crúac separately to get the benefit of its rituals.[49]
See Lithopedia for a list of rituals.