White Wolf Wiki
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Publisher: White Wolf Publishing, Inc.
Imprint: White Wolf Game Studio
Published: November 28, 2005
Pages: 38
Year: 2010
Publication #: WW 55104
Reference #:
Price: $6.99 US


From the White Wolf catalog:

It's really only a matter of time, he thinks, twirling his gun around his index finger. 'The girl's moves are obvious, rote. She's a teenager; she doesn't know any better. She'll reach out for the only type of protection she's ever really known.'Which means they'll be coming.

But that's just fine, the man thinks as his badge glistening in the moonlight. Police car lights flashing just long enough for him to take an illegal U-turn. It's fine because they don't know the game, which means he'll be able to set one enemy against another and buy himself some time.

He can use them all for pawns.

Chapter One

Memorable Quotes



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