White Wolf Wiki

Covenant House is a Chantry in Edinburgh.



The Covenant House's arcane nature renders it unnoticed but to the mages who make it their home. The house is a simple beam-and-lintel Tudor-style building. Five mages and their apprentices carry out the work of the Auld Covenant from its charmed walls. One curious effect of the place is that the longer one stays, the longer one can remember how to return. The mages who have lived here for years can leave for weeks at a time, but many a young apprentice has had to he found and escorted back when they have strayed too long. A room on the second floor that looks out on the street was once Michael Scot's room. This room is left empty should the chantry's founder ever return.


  1. CTD/MTAs: Isle of the Mighty, p. 96 Buy it from DriveThruRPG!