The Court of Blood is an institution of Clan Lasombra serving as an instrument to regulate clan policy.
Whoever suspects a clanmate of falling short in his or her stature turns to a Court of Blood to attain permission to execute (and even diablerize) him or her. To obtain this permission, the incompetence of the Lasombra in question needs to be proven by circumstantial evidence.
The Court consists of three to thirteen members that the Amis Noirs deem capable of such a job. The court's decision is made with no regard to political motives. The permission to execute is granted only if the evidence clearly speaks against the defendant, which rarely is the case.
The defendant never is informed about the petition. If found guilty, defendants are informed only if the Court thinks they deserve a chance. If, on the other hand, the accusation proves completely unjustified, the defendants usually are informed about the accuser's petition.
Typically, there is no subsequent hearing with reversed roles; generally, the affair is settled out of the court, which does not mean it becomes any more pleasant for the accuser.
The courts actually operate in some cases among antitribu as well as the main clan. Neither side advertises the fact, but some cities rich in Lasombra simply don’t pay much attention to the division and make clan “justice” equally available to both sides.
Using the Court[]
An example of how accusers appeal to the Court of Blood:
“ | Esteemed Ming:
Ductus Andrew tells me that you're about to present your first case to a Court of Blood. Just as I did for him, I offer you a few words of advice on getting what you want.
” |
— Regards, Demba |
- VTM: Clanbook: Lasombra, p. 40-42
- VTM: Encyclopaedia Vampirica, p. 55
- VTM: Clanbook: Lasombra Revised