White Wolf Wiki

Corporeum is a class of Transmutations. It encompasses control or transformation of the body’s physical functions, from the regeneration of wounded flesh to hardening the skin against damage. It is used by those who follow or once followed the Ferrum Refinement.

Transmutation Abilities[]

2nd Edition[]


With Charites, the Promethean can gain perfect control over his muscles, allowing him to perform the most ardous tasks by focusing his entire strength on the matter. Practitioners have an easier time passing Athletics checks.

  • Athletic Grace: The Promethean can move faster.
  • Uncanny Dexterity: The Promethean greatly improves his manual dexterity for a single task
  • Rarified Grace: Every physical action the Promethean undertakes is as if he had trained it for years.


The alembic of Hygeius allows the Promethean to command his physical frame, allowing him to withstand pain and trauma. Practitioners can subtly account for the injuries inflicted by expertly assessing their pain.

  • Human Flesh: The Promethean can appear as an ordinary human.
  • Impossible Flesh: The Promethean can act unhindered from physical injuries.
  • Resilient Flesh: The Promethean becomes harder to damage.


The Promethean who studies the alembic of Motus becomes extraordinary fast. Practitioners become more untiring when running or walking.

  • Uncanny Athleticism: The Promethean gains benefits when attempting an athletic action involving running.
  • Mighty Bound: The Promethean can jump wider distances.
  • Exemplary Athleticism: The Promethean gains a general boost on physical attributes and their speed is doubled.


Zephyrus greatly enhances the reflexes and vigilance of the Promethean. Practitioners become harder to take by surprise.

  • Swift Feet: The Promethean's movement become more agile.
  • Serpent Strike: The Promethean can add his Azoth to his Initiative.
  • Perfected Reflexes: The Promethean becomes nigh intouchable.

1st Edition[]

Promethean: The Created Rulebook[]

  • Menu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Autonomic Controls - A Promethean can ignore pain, hunger, and exhaustion.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Swift Feet - The Promethean momentarily boosts his speed to superhuman levels.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Regeneration - Pyros can be used to heal minor wounds.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Uncanny Dexterity - The Promethean greatly improves his manual dexterity for a single task, making it nearly impossible to fail.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Ingrained Reflexes - A Promethean may hone certain actions into reflex.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Athletic Grace - A Promethean channels Pyros to gain abnormally high dexterity.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Human Flesh - The body of a Promethean appears to be alive and normal.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bullet Perfected Reflexes - A Promethean's Defense is drastically increased.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bullet Serpent Strike - The Initiative of the Promethean is drastically increased.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bullet Hard Body - The Promethean adjusts their body's humours to toughen their skin.

Strange Alchemies[]

  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bullet Rarefied Grace - A Promethean channels Pyros to gain superhuman dexterity.

Synergy Abilities[]

  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bullet Rejuvenation - Combined with the Vulcanus ability Share Pyros, a Promethean can rapidly heal others.


Promethean: The Created Transmutation Classes






