White Wolf Wiki
See also: Technocracy: Void Engineers (first edition)

Convention Book: Void Engineers is the Revised supplement for the Void Engineers of the Technocratic Union. It covers the major changes in the Convention following the Avatar Storm and introduces the terror of Threat Null. The Convention Book is an update of 1996's Technocracy: Void Engineers.


From the White Wolf catalog:

The Void Engineers are hiding something. They've traded many of their ideals for guns, turned vessels of peaceful exploration into mobile defense platforms, and — most frightening to the Union — forged themselves into an organized military. They've kept the rest of the Technocracy grounded as they fight a mysterious war beyond the boundaries of Earth against adversaries too heinous to name.
As much as that's tearing the Technocratic Union apart, that's the only way it can be: only the Void Engineers can defend Consensual Reality from horrors beyond. For only they can stand before what lurks out there, hungry to return to Earth.
The world beyond Earth has changed much in fifteen years, and not just from the Dimensional Anomaly. The Engineers have been forced to adapt to a Void growing ever darker. Convention Book: Void Engineers updates Mage: The Ascension with fresh 21st century ideas of the starfaring Convention — once filled with hopeful explorers and rebellious dreamers, now scarred by their secret war.


Prologue: Blast Off![]

Introduction: To Boldly Fight[]

Chapter One: A Brief History of Prime[]

Chapter Two: For All Mankind[]

Chapter Three: Forged in Smoldering Stars[]

Chapter Four: The Hangar Bay[]

Epilogue: Always Know What You're Fighting[]

Background Information[]


Memorable Quotes[]

"The universe instantiates all computable models to the extent of their completeness."
— Modern form of Tychoides Theorem



Threat Null, Tychoidian Cosmology, Void Adaption

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