Conrad Hubbard is an American author and "webmonkey" who began his association with White Wolf as a playtester for Trinity. He went on to write for the Trinity line and others and is now a permanent staff member at White Wolf. For nearly a decade, Conrad ran most aspects of the web site, but is now working in the MMO division.
Conrad's official contributions for White Wolf include the following:
- 2006/August 10: PTC: Promethean: The Created Rulebook
- 2006/March 20: Exalted: Exalted Second Edition
- 2005/August 29: MTAw: Mage: The Awakening Rulebook
- 2004/March 1: MTAs: Ascension (book)
(A Whimper, Not A Bang)
- 2003/October 20: VTM: The Red Sign
- 2003/February 3: MTAs: The Fallen Tower: Las Vegas
- 2002/November 11: MTAs: Mage Storytellers Handbook
- 2001/March 19: MTR: Mummy: The Resurrection Rulebook
- 2000/October 16: MTAs: Sorcerer Revised
- 1998: Trinity: Trinity: Battleground (box)
- 1998/December: TB: Trinity: Battleground Players Guide
- 1998/June: Trinity: Trinity Technology Manual
- 1998/February: Trinity: Hidden Agendas: Trinity Storytellers Screen & Book
Concept and Design[]
- 2007/August 16: CTL: Changeling: The Lost Rulebook
- 2006/August 10: PTC: Promethean: The Created Rulebook
- 2005/March 14: WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Rulebook
- 2004/August 21: VTR: Vampire: The Requiem Rulebook
- 2004/August 21: CofD: World of Darkness: Storytelling System Rulebook
- 2001/March 19: MTR: Mummy: The Resurrection Rulebook
- 2004/August 21: CofD: World of Darkness: Storytelling System Rulebook
- 1999/March: Trinity: Trinity Rulebook (softcover) ("Mad Max on the Road to Cairo")
- 1997/November 10: Trinity: Trinity Rulebook ("Mad Max on the Road to Cairo")
- 1997/October: Trinity: Trinity Rulebook (limited) ("Mad Max on the Road to Cairo")
Special Thanks[]
- 2000/February 19: WTA: Umbra Revised : Conrad “Goat for Azazel” Hubbard, for being the handy guy to blame every time something goes wrong with the forums.
- 2000/October 16: MTAs: Sorcerer Revised
: Conrad "Webslave" Hubbard, who put things in order and even got everyone chatting about it.
- 2000/June 26: MTAs: Dead Magic
: Conrad "You Want It, You Got It" Hubbard, for hooking me up with a big-ass monitor.
- 2000/March: WTA: Ananasi : Conrad “Whipwreck” Hubbard, for bravely stepping into the land of beaks and feet.