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The Connoisseur is Maeltinet under the service of Pseulak.


"It is a shame you had to learn the truth, werewolf, Your lover's lies have made me strong, and they could have fed me for a while longer."

This Jaggling appears as a stunningly handsome human male in early middle age. The only outwardly strange aspect to this being when it manifests in the physical realm is that it has no fingerprints. Though few people ever see the Maeltinet's diet in action, the spirit earned its name from a unique habit of eating cockroaches. Like a man peeling a fruit and eating small chunks, the Connoisseur pulls segments from cockroaches and eats the insects slowly, piece by piece.

The Connoisseur is a prince among liars. Its erstwhile duty is to lead and organize the thousands of deception-spirits that swarm around the cities of humanity, and it takes great pleasure in establishing rapport with mortals. These humans are rarely the slavish adherents and beggars that serve Mammon; indeed, the Connoisseur has been known to express disgust at the chanting fools who praise the Maeljin of Greed. Instead, the Connoisseur seduces or charms its way into the confidence of a great many people, and it forces them into a cycle of lies that can only end in severe discord. A wife repeatedly lies to her husband about her unfaithfulness, and, for as long as she maintains her false story of loyalty, she breeds more and more deception-spirits. The more emotionally laden the lie, the stronger the spirits it breeds. The Connoisseur delights in manipulating and carrying out such events, all for the greater glory of Pseulak. Strangely, some Uratha have come to know the presence of the Connoisseur by the host of cockroach-spirits that serve the Maeltinet as its eyes and ears throughout the Shadow. Just how this creature managed to gain the service of such a host remains a mystery.

Rank: 4
Attributes: Power 8; Finesse 9; Resistance 12
Willpower: 20
Essence: 20
Initiative: 22
Defense: 9
Speed: 20
Size: 5
Corpus: 17
Influences: Deception **, Insects **
Ban: Varies with each incarnation; frequently related to eating cockroaches many times a day or never being able to tell the truth.
Numina: Any 9 the Storyteller deems appropriate for this incarnation.

