The Commendation is a pledge commonly required to become a member of a freehold.
The cornerstone of the feudal changeling society, this oath binds the Lord of a freehold and his subjects. In exchange for the security of a freehold, the subject offers up the best of his skills in its service — that is, in the service of all of its members, not just the ruler.
The Vow[]
— I swear, by this token of my liege, that I shall be faithful to him, to cause him no harm unjustly and to give of my skills to the best of my ability for the good of the freehold. I shall render up to him the proper homage of Glamour in its proper time, and may I be banished forever from the warmth of his hearth should I be forsworn.
— I swear on this token that I’ll be loyal to this freehold and its master while I benefit from its protection. I agree to render my fair share of Glamour and stand up in defense when needed.
Type: Corporal, Nemesis Emblem
Tasks: Fealty (–3, both)
Boons: Vassalage (+3, vassal); Glamour (+2, vassal must render a tithe of Glamour equal to the liege’s Wyrd at some point during the year)
Sanction: Banishment (–3, vassal); Poisoning of Boon, Medial (–2, liege must offer up an amount of Glamour equal to what he would have drawn)
Duration: Year and a day (+3)
Invocation: 1 Willpower (both) + 1 Willpower dot (liege; paid only when he first takes part in an Oath of Fealty as liege)
- CTL: Changeling: The Lost Rulebook, p. 189