White Wolf Wiki

Sir Cuthbert's Letter to Christof is a letter from Cuthbert to his fellow crusader Christof Romuald.


My good Kinsman Christof--Thy bravery carried the day in the battle of the Moravian hills. Thy Swordbrethren crushed the pagan barbarians and now chase their scattered hordes into Eastern Hungary. Once the last of the heathens are route, our garrison shall return to Prague, and thou mayst rejoin our ranks. Until then, the tender ministrations of the holy sisters shall revive thee, if it be God's will that thou outlive thy wound. Thy fellow Swordbrethren pray for thy swift recovery, for they cannot allow thee to ripe and rot in decadent luxury whilst they sacrifice themselves. Perhaps thou canst make thy sword-arm useful to good Archbishop Geza until such time as we return to collect thee. May the Tidings of the Lord by upon thee, Sir Cuthbert.
