The Codex: A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P-Q-R-S-T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z
A rebel among the Kindred, one with no respect for the elders. Most fledglings are automatically assumed to be Anarchs by the elders, and are despised as products of the 20th century.
Anarchs are Vampires who reject the status quo of Vampire society. They especially resent the privileged status held by elders within the Camarilla and other Vampire sects; when the eldest hold the most power in a society of immortals, the lot of neonates is not a happy one. The Anarchs themselves are not a sect per se; in most areas, they are simply a faction on the fringes of the dominant Camarilla hierarchy. However, a loosely-organized Anarch Movement has emerged over the course of the past century and has begun to establish its own traditions, power blocs, territories, and all the other trappings of a full-fledged sect.
Anarchs are often targeted for recruitment by the Sabbat, but most respect the Masquerade and some of the other Traditions, even if they do not respect the Vampires who enforce them or the system that benefits from them. Anarchs, like all Vampires, are considered members of the Camarilla by default, but unlike the Sabbat they are tolerated.
Anarch Revolt[]
An Anarch Revolt refers to an instance where large numbers of younger Vampires rebel against their elders, either because they no longer wish to be manipulated by the older Cainites or they wish to take the elders' power for themselves. There are two notable Anarch Revolts that have shaped the history of Vampires: The Anarch Revolt of the 15th century and The Second Anarch Revolt of the 20th century.
Ankaran Sarcophagus[]
The Ankaran Sarcophagus is a key plot element in Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines. It can only be opened using its key.
Antediluvians are Vampires of the Third Generation with incalculable power, each of whom survived the Biblical Deluge. Some of the survivor Vampires are considered to be the founders of the thirteen clans.
Most believe these god-like beings to be either in the supernatural sleep or dead, but there are a large number of myths and prophecies surrounding the clan founders, many of which are contradictory and suspect.
While some clans regard their progenitor favourably, as a whole the Antediluvians are often portrayed as Boogeymen that will one day rise and devour their descendants. There are rarely reasons given for this, but clanwide purges have occurred in the past and Gehenna is seen as a time of blood and reckoning for Cainites.
The Camarilla asserts that the Antediluvians are dead or never even existed, and actively persecutes those who publicly say otherwise. However, the Sabbat adheres to a pseudo-religious creed claiming it as their duty to destroy the Antediluvians and their servants.
Archbishop is a title for the Sabbat Vampires who sway over a smaller region, similar to a Camarilla prince ruling a city. Archbishops serve each Cardinal of the sect.