The Code of Jalendrel is the code of ethics of House Beaumayn.
The Code[]
Honor the Future and Remember its Secrets[]

Ignoring our gifts of prophecy is denying what you are. You must honor and record all your visions and omens, no matter how terrible they may be, and warn others of our house when you see dire events on the horizon.
Do not Burden Others with the Future, lest it Break them[]
Many others think knowledge of the future would solve all their problems, but the truth its that it usually only makes them worse. After all, do you really want to know whether you and your love are meant to be or what day you're going to die? Others are seldom ready for all the consequences accepting a prophecy entails. Do not share your visions with those not of our house unless there is great need to do so.
Accept Your Destiny and Leave Others to Theirs[]
This applies to both the good and the bad we see; while we must fight to change what we can, there are some visions even we cannot alter, some events too great for one fae to master. When the future is in your grasp, learning when not to act is as important as learning when to take action, if not more so.