White Wolf Wiki

Code Red is a Homid Ragabash, the most respected Glass Walkers from Rio de Janeiro in the Brazilian Amazon.


Code Red is the odd name of the eccentric Glass Walkers who represents his tribe on the Council of Elders. Red is a mysterious figure. He is a caboclo, having both Brazilian and Portuguese ancestors. Some believe he may be from Rio de Janeiro, but no one really knows much about his past. All admit he is an exemplary member of his tribe. This makes him disliked by most of the council, but quite respected by the Glass Walkers in the war. It is Code Red who has provided the Garou with some of the most potent weapons and defenses for the war: high-tech gadgetry and electric Spirits that have confounded even Pentex. Code Red's Glass Walkers have even been able to turn Pentex' own equipment against them by awakening the spirits within the mechanisms. This has caused Golgol to value his advice, even though the rest of the Fenris shake their heads in disgust.

