White Wolf Wiki

The Cleopatrans of Yima, or just the Cleopatrans, are a once-major blood cult (now more akin to a global collection of ideologically similar local cults who prefer the collective moniker Cleopatras) composed entirely of Nosferatu.

(For the once-beautiful subset of Nosferatu Embrace stock, see Cleopatras.)


V5 Cleopatrans

Nosferatu tell tales of the wise, beautiful childe of their progenitor, named Yima, who was Embraced before Absimiliard was cursed. She rode out God’s great storm and Caine’s ire through charm, love, and honesty. Other Nosferatu tales tell of Yima being the one Nosferatu who stood between Caine and the Antediluvian, bearing the full brunt of the clan’s monstrous bane as Absimiliard only took a fraction of the blow. Her love for her sire was such that she would die or be forever mutilated on his behalf. Rather than receiving her sire’s affection and care, Absimiliard abandoned her to her monstrosity. Or, her beauty so awesome in his sight, Absimiliard could no longer bear to look upon her. The tales are contradictory, but what is known, is Yima became the clan’s holy grail as a figure of sympathy or aspiration.

The cult known as the Cleopatrans of Yima, formed at the height of Caesar Augustus’ Rome, with rumors of Yima spreading widely in the wake of Cleopatra. This pharaoh, more powerful than any man, beautiful and deadly, bewitched the Roman Nosferatu imagination, and parallels were drawn between her and ancient Yima. The Nosferatu started adorning their hideous faces and bodies with paint, baubles, masks, and elaborate outfits, to accentuate beauty and prove their purpose as more than horrors and lepers. The Cleopatrans selected only the canniest wits to make their cult of advisors and leaders, creating a bubble in time between the 1st and 4th centuries CE where Nosferatu occupied rare places of prominence throughout Europe and North Africa. Every third domain held a Cleopatran in a place of importance. It was a rich time for the clan.

The Cleopatrans were only powerful for that duration, however. With the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the cult dissolved, and tales of Yima and Cleopatra disappeared with them.

Modern Nights[]

In the early 20th century Kindred society observed a convulsion in Clan Nosferatu, as once again the Sewer Rats started adorning themselves as lords and ladies, perfumed, well-dressed, and far above the station the Camarilla had assigned them for the first four centuries of its existence. This trend hasn’t disappeared, with “Cleopatras” appearing in random domains, sometimes among the ranks of resident Nosferatu, other times as outsiders freshly visiting a staid city. As they did almost two millennia before, these Cleopatras (dropping the “n” as the majority don’t recognize their cult as one of worship or lineage) attempt to seize roles above traditional Nosferatu standing. For many, their mix of self-belief, delusion, and confidence is enough to put them in positions of Herald, Primogen, or Sheriff. While no Cleopatras have become Princes yet, many believe it’s just a matter of time.


Kindred scholars debate whether simply dressing up and taking on a sound-alike epithet is enough to constitute a revived cult, or a cult at all, but what none outside the most successful Cleopatras know is they’ve been receiving communal dreams, including images possibly sent to them telepathically, of a great, gorgeous nude woman who caresses the Nosferatu, mending their disfigurements with her palm, before ordering them to take command of all Kindred.

These vampires receive subsequent visions guiding them on how to exploit the weaknesses of local rulers, with most guidance proving successful. It seems the Cleopatras have a patron, though it’s too soon to tell if it’s Yima, a poisoning of their Blood sent down from Absimiliard himself, or some Toreador messing with each of their heads for one big elaborate joke.


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