White Wolf Wiki

Clayton Albert Mayhew, Jr. is one of the Imbued who posts on hunter-net under the username Alleyman222. He also went by the name Peleus. 


Under the name Peleus, Clayton was responsible for burning down apartments and tenements in New Orleans. He marked these buildings with the Word to indicate that he was "protecting" them. Shaka74 investigated these arsons, and saw Clayton shooting people as they ran out of the buildings. Since then, Clayton has garnered a reputation as a violent racist on hunter-net.

Government Surveillance[]

Pilot56 (posting anonymously) warned that anyone who had been in contact with Clayton should stay away from computers. The government was conducting some kind of surveillance and anyone known to have met him was at risk of being arrested. Clayton responded by threatening to kill Pilot56, even before his identity was known to the rest of hunter-net. 

Other Media[]

He only appeared on the demo version of Hunter: The Reckoning - Wayward


