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Clan Novel Trilogy Lasombra 3: Sacrifices is a fiction novel for Vampire: The Masquerade. It is the finale of the Clan Lasombra Trilogy.


From the White Wolf catalog:

In Darkness Night
A circle of maddened mystics attempts to raise the dread founder of Clan Lasombra from the depths of the otherworldly Abyss. The vampire Lucita and her dubious allies in the bloodthirsty Sabbat must mount a desperate attack to stop them from plunging the world into eternal night.
For Lucita, however, the stakes are even greater. After a thousand-year struggle, her soul is slipping into bestial madness with only the blood-rites of her erstwhile enemies able to keep her sane. To survive must she become the image of the sire she spent an eternity resisting?



Background Information[]


Memorable Quotes[]



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VTM: Mexico City by Night Buy it from DriveThruRPG!
Game Books
Vampire: The Masquerade books
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VTM: State of Grace Buy it from DriveThruRPG!

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VTM: Clan Novel Trilogy Lasombra 2: Shadows Buy it from DriveThruFiction!
Clan Lasombra Trilogy