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Clan Novel Trilogy Brujah 3: The Puppet-Masters is a fiction novel for Vampire: The Masquerade. The book is the third and final of the Clan Brujah Trilogy.


From the White Wolf catalog:

Hidden Masters, Deadly Secrets
Theo Bell's future hangs in the balance. Cut off from vampire society, his ranks and privileges as an archon revoked, Theo faces his most lethal task yet, identifying the forces behind the global slave ring he has pledged himself to destroy. But their power goes further than anything he can imagine, threatening the Camarilla itself.
Time is running out.



Background Information[]


Memorable Quotes[]





Previous release:
VTM: Clan Novel Trilogy Brujah 2: The Overseer Buy it from DriveThruFiction!
Clan Brujah Trilogy

Previous release:
VTM: The Ventrue Chronicle Buy it from DriveThruRPG!
Game Books
Vampire: The Masquerade books
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VTM: Gehenna Buy it from DriveThruRPG!