White Wolf Wiki

Clan Impossible started as a group of young London club mages with no other purpose than to give their mentors fits. They earned their name from their attitude: “Those children are impossible to work with!” However, until the strengthening of the gauntlet, this group of willworkers was little more than a band of acquaintances.

Once the Avatar Storm essentially separated them from their mentors, however, Clan Impossible got serious. Some of the original Impossibles died at the hands of the Technocracy, having been caught unaware at a favorite nightclub. The remaining members got organized and started a recruitment drive. Now, the remaining original Impossibles act as a miniature Council of Traditions, directing unorthodox cross-training and orchestrating guerilla strikes on Technocracy interests.

Individual Impossible Cabals tend to number four members, with any additional members being the students of the core mages. Each of the core members is assigned a category from a set of four assigned to that Cabal. What these categories include vary from group to group, but they tend to be related. Some include the four inner planets, the classic Greek elements, the compass points and the four seasons. Each of these categories is assigned a set of responsibilities within the Cabal. From time to time, the core members of the group re-choose their assignment to keep themselves sharp.

How these assignments are redistributed also varies from group to group, with some voting and others drawing at random. According to Impossibles’ history, the original Impossibles were four regulars to a counter-culture club in England who liked to play at being the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. If the stories are to be believed, they could never agree who got to be which horseman and so would trade off roles from night to night.

