Cindermane is a female Fianna Theurge. She appears in Rage.
Character Quotes from Cards[]
- Cindermane Crinos Form card: “There has been too much death! I will join you, Natasha! Let us begin!”
- Fianna Tribe card: "It doesn't matter to me who is with us. What matters is who is against us. And since most are against us, I say we must move now. The Equinox is coming, and with it comes destruction. I hear talk of war from all sides. We can prepare for as long as we want, but we shall never be ready, and time is the Wyrm's friend. I say we enact the rite as soon as we can. No later than the Equinox." - Cindermane
- Knot of Protection: “Those knots you get in your stomach before a big fight-those’re good things. They keep you from getting a wee bit overconfident.” - Cindermane
- Sleep of the Hero: "I am not afraid. Williams Wallace showed us that death is not the end of a hero. Neither shall it be the end of me." - Cindermane