White Wolf Wiki

The Chrysalis is a state of quantum transformation developed by Divis Mal and the Teragen. By pursuing the philosophy of Teras, a nova can enter Chrysalis and channel the force of Taint in a controlled fashion.

The Chrysalis begins with a surge of quantum energy not unlike an eruption. During the Chrysalis, the terat is comatose and shrouded in a quantum husk. The appearance of the husk is unique to the individual, and it provides significant (though not invincible) protection from outside assault. Within the husk, the terat's body and mind undergo dramatic changes to permit them to channel quantum more easily and effectively. They are able to purge themselves of Taint, trade harmful aberrations for more desirable ones, and unlock potent new abilities. These changes, however, inevitably result in the terat becoming increasingly alienated from baseline humanity: not only their bodies, but their psychology and perceptions, are significantly changed.

Inducing the Chrysalis requires tremendous mental discipline and experience with manipulating Taint. Most young terats need the help of a mentor to begin the process. Like an eruption, the Chrysalis needs to be triggered by exposing the terat to a high-stress situation, which is in itself a dangerous proposal, and if the terat fails to enter the Chrysalis they may be left with a surge of Taint instead. Once begun, the Chrysalis lasts for weeks or months, and some who enter it never emerge. Even though the husk protects the terat during Chrysalis, it is not invulnerable to attack; in 2004 Team Tomorrow simply kidnapped Caroline Fong during her abnormally long Chrysalis.

Due to all these risks, many within the Teragen never attempt the Chrysalis, and those who have undergone it hold much higher esteem. The few terats who have undergone Chrysalis twice form the Teragen's inner circle; the second Chrysalis takes even longer than the first. Divis Mal entered his fourth Chrysalis in 2006 and was not expected to emerge for at least five years.

