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Chronicles of Darkness: The Contagion Chronicle is a Sourcebook for the Chronicles of Darkness that provides a setting for crossovers between gamelines.


From the seller's page:

The world is ill. You have everything to lose through its sickness.
Loss. Change. Chaos.
Your own blood will rebel against you. Your own herd.
Your own loved ones. Do not believe that just because you’ve had a hundred years on this earth, you’ll be exempt. Just because you were ignorant of it until now does not make you immune. Your waking to the reality of this world — of the great machine in its heart, and the sickness in its veins — is just the first step. You must find others like you and me and make them swear to drive back this Contagion. This world doesn’t have long left. You may be a monster, but perhaps with other monsters, you can drive back the destruction of everything.
The Contagion Chronicle includes:
  • The first Chronicles of Darkness book to provide guidance on playing creatures of all kinds in a shared story.
  • A new mythos — the terrifying Contagion — acting as a catalyst for unifying disparate monsters into allied groups known as the Sworn and the False.
  • Over ten settings from diverse locations all around the globe, each wracked with its own Contagion, and all waiting to be explored.



Chapter One: The Sworn and the False[]

Information on the Sworn and the False in general, as well as their main factions: The Cryptocracy, the Jeremiad, the Rosetta Society, The Ship of Theseus, Zero Hour, The Crucible Initiative, the Machiavelli Gambit, and Naglfar's Army.

Chapter Two: Vectors[]

Rules for Vectors and Edges, the powers that the factions bring to bear against the Contagion.

Chapter Three: Plagues, Interstitial and Otherwise[]

A possibly history of the Contagion, and theories as to its nature. Covers outbreaks in San Lorenzo, Persia, Carthage, Constantinople, China, and Chernobyl.

Chapter Four: Storytelling[]

Suggestions for using the Contagion in crossover and non-crossover games

Chapter Five: The Infected World[]

Exampled of the Contagion in action: Edinburgh, Odense, San Francisco, Kyoto, New Zealand, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Milton Keynes, Acre, Santiago, Bend, Sittard, Antarctica

Appendix: New Conditions and Tilts[]

Background Information[]

Memorable Quotes[]



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