Chronicle of the Black Labyrinth is a chapbook for Werewolf: The Apocalypse, compiling in-universe documents from Black Spiral Dancers, their Kinfolk, and other servants of the Wyrm.
From the White Wolf catalog:
- Come, Ye Faithful
- Beware. Beware those who would keep you from this book and prevent you from gleaning the truths within. Their claws are sharp, their teeth many and their sinews mighty. Their fur stinks of the heath and their breath steams the vision. They lie with beasts and walk like beasts, yet speak as men. They would hinder the true path of the soul onward, binding it to the earth and the cycle of death and devourment.
- They want you not to read further, for herein are secrets best left unlearned, tales of which poison their good green Earth, recitals of names which cause the ears to bleed, the eyes to blue and see that which is unseen. Loose the chains which bind the mind and set it free to wander a spiraling journey about all obstacles, burrowing to the heart of Truth, past the Web of deceit to meet the Master of us all.
- Come, ye faithful, and witness the sermons of the Wyrm.
Preface to the 1995 Edition[]
By Babaji Ashley Simes, Editor-in-Chief of Reprints, Llewballah Publications.
Preface to the 1970 Edition[]
By Egbert Reeve, RedBletter Press, San Francisco.
By Frater I*I, Keeper of the Dark Orb and Gazer into the Abyss, San Francisco.
Book I: The Epoch of Calamity[]
1. A Centurion's Letters[]
Letters by Titus Germanicus to Caius Estulitius Incitatus.
2. Fabulae et Cantae Scotti[]
The First Church at Damburrow.
Book II: The Epoch of Consumption[]
3. The Trial of the Black Monk[]
4. Ex Disputandem Re Supernibus ab Probati Quaesitori Adversarique[]
Book III: The Epoch of Corruption[]
5. Professor Webley and the Strange Case of the Mysterious Oriental[]
By Dr. Nigel Haversham, from Cloven Hoof Magazine: 1897.
6. The Rites of the Laird of Demborough at Phlegma Abbey[]
Part i: The Rite of the Knowledge and Conversation of the Maeljin Incarna and of the Evocation and Union of the Urge[]
Prepared and performed by the Laird of Demborough at Phelegma Abbey, 1923.
Part ii: Liber O.O.O.: On the Grades of Initiation, Their Titles and Duties, With Reference to the Challenges Encountered within the Black Spiral Labyrinth[]
Inscribed by Frater R*U, from the words of the Laird of Demborough, Phelegma Abbey, 1919.
Part iii: Liber C.C.C.: On The Procession of Epochs, The Evocative Keys of the Urges, and The Maeljin Incarna Attendant Thereunto[]
Inscribed by Frater U*R, from the words of the Laird of Demborough, Phelegma Abbey, 1923.
By Frater Insanctus* Insanctorum, Keeper of the Dark Orb, Gazer into the Abyss.
On the Road with Chucko the Monkeyboy[]
Background Information & Trivia[]
The book contains four pages of Caesar Ciphers in Chapter One: A Centurion's Letters. Two of the cipher spiral symbols count as "th" and "ng" respectively to try to make it harder to crack. The ciphers say the following:
- "The Tale of King Brennus" - pg. 7
- "Last of the White Howlers" - pg. 11
- "Now they are all dead" - pg. 14
- "Thus ends the song of the White Howlers" - pg. 16
King Brennus mentions to Titus about a race of serpent folk that dwelled underground that were wise in the ways of the old Wyrm of Balance; on pages 11-12.
Llewballah Publications is a parody of Llewellyn Publications, RedBletter Press is a parody of Red Letter Press and Cloven Hoof Magazine is so far an unknown parody of a Victorian Occult Detective Magazine.
The 1999 Jul-Dec Catalog has some different text entry for the book:
Witness the Sermons of the Wyrm
Chronicle of the Black Labyrinth is a compilation of Wyrm lore, collected from eye-witness accounts throughout the ages and presented in the tradition of Vampire's Book of Nod. Werewolves believe that this legendary and dread tome was destroyed long ago, but the book has resurfaced in the hands of a human cultist. Tradeback.
Memorable Quotes[]
"if mad ize are heer then thay are every ware. ther is no hope for us." - Marguerita
- Babaji Ashley Simes
- Egbert Reeve - Black Spiral Dancer Kinfolk
- Frater I*I - Black Spiral Dancer Kinfolk
- Lord Alfred Craven- Published the Chronicle of the Black Labyrinth in 1735, O.O. Magister Templi, Died
- W. Richard MacLish aka "Writlish " - Black Spiral Dancer, Professor of Comparative Anthropology at the University of Edinburgh
- Titus Germanicus - Get of Fenris Kinfolk
- King Brennus - White Howler
- Calgacus - White Howler
- Moch Maugh or Bran Mak Morn - Black Spiral Dancer, "Mockmaw"
- Cororuc - White Howler
- Saint Ninian - Bishop
- Friar Louis le Fif, "The Black Monk" - Black Spiral Dancer Kinfolk
- Reverend Father Jean de Malestroit
- Friar Guillaume Merici
- Olivier Darel - Mortal Child, Nantes Parish, Died
- Francois Prelati - Infernalist Conjurer
- Eustache Blanchet - Priest
- Lord de R. - Infernalist
- Jean de la Riviere - Infernalist
- Antoine de Palerne - Infernalist
- Etienne Corrillaut, "Poitou" - Infernalist
- Marie of Rouen - Witch
- Cardinal Serge de B.
- Reverend Father Henri G.
- Friar Jean B.
- Court Frair Antoine d'E.
- Sergeant Stephen de Gillaume
- Guy de Mer - Wrote 'The Pilgrimage of Young Journeyman Quaestor'
- Flavio - Descendent of the Black Monk
- Quaestor - Young Journeyman, Fictional character
- Adversarius - Young Journeyman, Fictional character
- Stanley Kirowan - Editor of Cloven Hoof Magazine
- Dr. Nigel Haversham - Author of the Prof. Wayland Webley Stories and Epimetheus on Parole (Autobiography)
- Hermetic Guillaume
- Wayland Webley - Laird of Demborough, Pretanic Order
- Harry Brashman - O.O. Fellowship/Order's Sentinel Emeritus
- Sir Humphrey - Chief Magus of the O.O., Died
- Kromrich - Family of Switzerland
- Arbulent - Seventh Generation, from New York
- Van Gelding - Seventh Generation, from New York
- Mr. Jeremiah Lassater - Controls Premium Oil
- Dr. Harold Zettler
- Pete Culliford
- Dr. Gunther Draggerunter - Seventh Generation
- Dr. William W. Gull - O.O. Member
- Wiggins - Second-Degree initiate of the O.O.
- Dr. Trevelyan
- Chuck - Black Spiral Dancer Kinfolk
- Bobby - Black Spiral Dancer Kinfolk
- Tex - Black Spiral Dancer Kinfolk
- Marguerita - Mortal
Abyss, Adept, Aunt Spider, Banes, Beast-of-War, Bestia Bello, Black Spiral Labyrinth, British Isles, Caledonia, Cloven Hoof Magazine, Crom Cruach (Location), Cult of Set, Damh Brugh/Domhain Bruach/Damburrow/Demborough (Pit), Dance of Cunning, Dance of Insight, Defiler, Delirium, Eater-of-Souls, Edinburgh, Eight Circle, England, Europe, Fenris, Feritas, Fionn, First Circle, Fomori, Fourth Circle, Fovea, France, Incarna, Inquisitor, Keeper of the Dark Orb, Kin/Kinfolk, Lion, Llewballah Publications, Maeljin Incarna, Magnis Vermis/Di Triplecti, Malfeas, New York, New York City, One, Order of the Rose, Pestis, Phallum Vermiculum, Phelegma Abbey, Pit, Premium Oil, Pretanic Keys, Pretanic Order, Psychic, Rage, Rage, Realms, RedBletter Press, Rite, Rome, San Francisco, Scotland, Seventh Circle, Soul, Spirits, Switzerland, Temple Obscure, Textor, Totem, Triatik Wyrm, Trinity Hive, True Dancers, Umbra, Uncle Change, Urges, Web, White Howlers, Wyrm,
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