Christopher Barrow is a British occultist who vampires have met around New York City and London. He is currently the only mortal to hold a position at the Red List, thanks to his hobby of enslaving supernatural creatures. He is the Trophy of Clan Gangrel.
“ | There are two kinds of occult dealers: those who believe the trinkets they sell are real, and those who can guarantee it. Guess which one I am? | ” |
The exact age of Christopher Barrow is unknown, but he is presumed to be born around Victorian era. It was during the 20th century that he began to be noticed. For many years, he has been plotting and planning in secret, from his sanctum, the Raven's Nest.
His activities were initially documented in the 1980s, when he made experiments on lupines. The local Kindred did not see cause for concern back then, but that would change during the 1990s. Barrow grew bold and was caught by a Camarilla coterie of vampires while attempting to kidnap a Gangrel. Much to their surprise, Barrow had help from a Brujah and a werewolf, so the coterie reported the incident to the local Sheriff.
The local Prince dismissed the case, since the Gangrel managed to escape. However, the Gangrel clan had a different opinion on the matter, and decided to attack the Raven's Nest. The small assault group never returned.
After the disappearance, the local Prince declared a blood hunt on him, but the next group to arrive at the Raven's Nest only encountered more of Barrows' supernatural slaves. An investigation was carried by an Archon who discovered that contrary to their beliefs, Barrow was not around 50 years old, but in fact over a century old, and yet neither a ghoul nor a vampire.
To the investigators shock, Barrow was the center of a global black market that collects and sells supernatural relics and slaves to the highest bidder. No one knows who buys these "commodities" or how they arrive to their buyers. To make the case even more mysterious, the Tremere clan's involvement in this Red list hunt has been highly suspicious, and created a great number of disturbing rumors. Some say that the clan wants to deal with Barrow on their own terms, but others say that Barrow has important dealings with the Tremere.
He is apparently the same character as Arctos from The Hunter's Hunted, in which it is said that he is a "Mage".
Character Sheet[]
The Hunters Hunted[]
Motive: Control/Curiosity/Power
Method: Mystical/Manipulative
Notes: Among his retainers are Ferdinand (Ninth Generation Brujah), Stemislav (Eleventh Generation Gangrel), Daniel Archer/Whines-At-Moon (Lupine) and Gerald Toomis (apprentice mage). His allies include three fellow Covenant Magi - Jubatis (Beast mage), Haemlox (Starmage), and Fairtanis (Warmage), one Lesser Imp (Georgio) and one Elvish Prince (Raimion). Additionally, Arctos knows many spells of different Thaumaturgy paths, all adapted for his own uses. One of them is the Cauldron of Blood. Some rituals unique to Arctos are listed below:
- Invigorate Vitae (Level Four Ritual): Allows caster's blood to Blood Bond anyone who drinks it, whether mortal, Kindred, or Lupine. The rules are otherwise the same as for Vampiric Blood Bonds.
- Sway Beast (Level Five Ritual): Allows the caster totally command of the Beast in a creature whose Beast bas awakened (Vampires, werewolves, and some psycho killer mortals). He can bring about Frenzies in the person, and control the direction and duration of that Frenzy. The caster rolls his Leadership (or Intimidate) plus his Wits against the Willpower of the creature targeted. One success allows the caster take control of a person already in Frenzy. Three success allows the caster to initiate a Frenzy.
- Geas (Level Four Ritual): Allows the caster to force the target to perform a deed for him, such as "Rescue the Princess and bring her to me." The bewitched person will be unable to sleep or heal wounds until he heeds the call, and begins to perform it. Only when the deed is accomplished will he be free. This acts like a version of the Dark Fate Flaw also. The bewitched one will be haunted by horrible visions until he performs what he has been commanded to do. The caster rolls Leadership + Manipulation versus the target's Willpower. If he gains three successes, the target must perform the mission.
Equipment: Arctos always carries three daggers upon him: one of Lupine bone, sharpened to do aggravated damage to Kindred, one of silver (for werewolves), and one of iron (for Faeries).
Dread Names, Red List[]
Trophy Clan: Gangrel
Concept: Mysterious Manipulator of the Supernatural
Image: Christopher Barrow is a businessman with a full head of silvery-grey hair, piercing green eyes, an aquiline nose, and a strong chin. His face is riddled with laugh lines and he wears a neatly-trimmed beard. The occultist is almost always seen in a well-tailored three-piece suit and tie. His hands are adorned with rings of various shapes and sizes, each one adorned with a unique stone. He is known for wearing a wind-up pocket watch and abhors battery-operated devices. He often carries a cane and almost always brings it with him when he travels.
Roleplaying Hints: You are a savvy businessman who is far older than you appear and do your best to hide it. Sometimes, though, you slip up and make a joke no one gets or drop in a reference hardly anyone else understands. You prefer to let others do the talking, and you're careful not to tip your hand. You've barely scratched the surface of what lies waiting in the shadows, but take comfort in the fact you have a secret weap-on of your own. Sometimes, you put too much faith in your occult knowledge, but so far your secrets have not failed you.
Allies and Contacts: Barrow has a number of well connected allies within his order and the occult community at large. They can be called upon for information, materials, or muscle at a moment's notice.
Retainers: Barrow keeps two junior occultists and, at minimum, one bound supernatural, either a werewolf or a vampire nearby whenever possible. It is said that Barrow's prowess to detect the supernatural is due to a demonic imp he has chained to a shadow. The imp pierces the veil of Obfuscate and other illusions with ease, and whispers in his ear. This, unfortunately, has yet to be confirmed.
Note: Barrow has a number of powerful Relics and Artifacts that he has collected over the years, including a cane that's been outfitted with the Eyes of Melampus, a dagger that causes aggravated damage to supernatural creatures and a ring which grants him a bonus pool of Willpower (stores 7 points and replenishes itself 1 point per day).
Eye of Melampus[]
Shrouded in mystery, the sparkling sapphires known as the Eyes of Melampus are reported to be the preserved eyes of the legendary Greek soothsayer who claimed to have unlocked the secrets of Egyptian mystics. Barrow has embedded the Eyes of Melampus into his cane. The relic is encased in a crystal skull, which is welded to the black-painted, metallic base cleverly engineered to fend off Lupines and the fae. Any normal means of investigative analysis will reveal that the twin gemstones are of an average grade and are not noteworthy. However, use of supernatural methods will reveal that their supernatural properties are only effective if they are in close proximity with one another. Should one of the Eyes be removed from the skull, the other will be rendered ineffective.
The relic grants the wielder three extra dots in Awareness (even if this brings the wielder's Awareness rating above 5). For more on Relics and Artifacts see Reliquary (VTM).
- VTM: The Hunters Hunted, p. 81-82
- VTM: Dread Names, Red List, p. 40-43, 84, 88, 90, 105, 108, 114-115, 119