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The Chorus Celestial is a Tradition of mages united by their efforts to touch the Divine as well as their belief in the One and Prime from which all things originate.

Closely tied to the God of Abrahamic faiths (although its beliefs actually originate from the Ancient Egyptian monotheistic god Aten), the One represents the source of all Creation and all Creation is believed to be a part of the One. Humans in particular carry shards of the divine within them, though it is known by many names: the divine flame, the soul, the Avatar. It is this connection which the Chorus Celestial believes enables them to clearly hear the One's song and to shape Creation. While their faith is essentially monotheistic, it is accepted that the Divine has many facets and can be expressed through any number of names, religions, and creeds.

Members of many faiths and denominations (including a variety of soft polytheists) come together in worship and service of the One, accepting that each person has their own path to the One. Of course, this ideal remains a work in progress and the Singers' history has been one of divisions and compromises, holy wars and martyrs, sacrifice and rejuvenation.



Early History[]

Dark Ages[]


The faction gets founded in approximately 1452 as the Chœur Céleste.

Victorian Age[]

At some point prior to the Victorian period, the early French name is translated directly to English as "Chorus Celestial."

Modern Nights[]

As the Victorian period came to a close, the Chorus Celestial embraced a fully-Anglicized name: the Celestial Chorus.



Notable Choristers[]



The Council of Nine Mystick Traditions (Victorian Mage)
Ahl-i-Batin · Akashayana · Chakravanti (Euthanatoi) · Chorus Celestial · Dream-Speakers · Order of Hermes · Sahajiya (Cultus Ecstasis) · Verbenae