White Wolf Wiki
White Wolf Wiki

Chicago Camarilla is the Camarilla faction that presides over the city of Chicago, within the United States.


The Camarilla of Chicago became a power house and internationally-famous under the rule of Prince Lodin. Following the War of Chicago in 1993, Lodin was overthrown and one third of the local Camarilla was destroyed.

Lodin's childe, Kevin Jackson, rose to praxis and became the new Prince. Under his rule, the city was rehabilitated in the eyes of the larger Camarilla more than any other American Prince. He enforced a strict Masquerade, keeping his Kindred safe from the Inquisition. He somehow forged a truce with the enemy Lupines, promising peace on the streets. Jackson curtailed the numbers of Anarchs and Sabbat without losing the humanity to which the Kindred cleave. Additionally, he upheld the role of Clan Ventrue ascendant, even in these trying times. Even Camarilla Archons and the Ventrue Justicar Lucinde, were known to praise Prince Jackson.

  • Wolf Pack, group of Archon enforcers; serve the Prince of Chicago


