White Wolf Wiki

Chemikon is a scandal-plagued energy corporation. It is controlled by Director Harold Zettler and his Brotherhood of the Fly.


Chemikon was founded under the name V.D.G.-Constantilos - after its two founders - in 1963, in order to serve as a holding company for the founders' existing businesses: Magadon, Incorporated and what is now Chemikon-Constantilos. In this new form, the entity was swiftly purchased by the Pentex Group (then called the PenteX Group).

Before its rebranding to Chemikon, V.D.G.-Constantilos, as well as PenteX itself, collaborated with the United States government to develop Biosphere Zero in the late 1960s through to the early 1970s. The project that also attracted the attention of other Wyrm-servants, such as Eater-of-Names.

In 2023, Chemikon became involved in Eater-of-Names' operations in the Pioneer Valley, in which they already owned a specialty plastics company, a coal power plant inhabited by the Bane Kemod that the company had promised to decommission or convert since the 2000s, and an especially infamous landfill. The furmlings inhabiting the latter have drawn attention to the site since 1982, when they began possessing wild dogs and pigs to devour trespassers. Chemikon also frequently bribed the local government to sweep their chemical spills into the Connecticut River under the rug, and to arrest any who tried to bring the problem of the poisoned drinking water to light.

Chemikon was directly managed by a man named Bret until his death in 2023 at the hands of Arthur Hutchinson and Giselle Dedekind.


Chemikon-Constantilos is a banking branch of Chemikon that has been forcibly shut down and later reopened multiple times since its founding.

