White Wolf Wiki

Chas Voyager was the Toreador Primogen of Washington D.C. An angelic-looking young man with long blond hair that cascades across his shoulders, Chas radiates an aura of inner strength that contrasts with his pretty-boy appearance. 


From an early age on, Chas was a musical prodigy, gifted with a beautiful voice and the ability to play nearly every instrument. His talent came to the attention of his teacher Anne Hyatt, who tutored him and eventually made him her ghoul before she granted him the embrace and left for Baltimore.

When the Sabbat slayed his sire, he began to hate the sect with much fervor and has begun to view both the Tremere and prince Vitel with suspicion and tries to secure the city for his Clan. In modern nights he tries to unify the other clans within Washington against both parties, with limited success.

He does not know of Vitel's true identity but has began to suspect Sabbat ties with someone in the higher echelons of the local Camarilla.

Character Sheet[]

Chas Voyager
Sire: Anne Hyatt
Nature: Architect
Demeanor: Visionary
Generation: 10th
Embrace: 1952
Apparent Age: 19
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2
Social: Charisma 5, Manipulation 4, Appearance 5
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 3
Talents: Alertness 2, Brawl 3, Dodge 3, Empathy 5, Intimidation 3, Leadership 2, Subterfuge 4
Skills: Crafts (Repair) 1, Drive 1, Etiquette 4, Firearms 1, Melee 1, Performance (Acting, Music) 5, Stealth 1
Knowledges: Computer 1, Finance 1, Investigation 1, Linguistics 1, Occult 4, Politics 4
Disciplines: Auspex 3, Celerity 2, Presence 3
Backgrounds: Allies 4, Contacts 3, Influence 1, Mentor 5, Resources 4, Retainers 4, Status 4
Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 4, Courage 4
Morality: Humanity 7
Willpower: 8

