White Wolf Wiki
White Wolf Wiki

The Charleston Private Academy started small — a single master mage training five young mages who went unclaimed by other Traditions. Mages that would have otherwise become Hollow Ones or died at the hands of the Technocracy were able to distinguish themselves in the Ascension War. Alas, their efforts were too small to prevent the Technocracy from winning…or their master from being one of the first victims of the Avatar Storm.

A handful of Council trained mages, recognizing the success of the Academy’s training methods, joined the original five students as instructors and turned the small training facility into a full-fledged educational institution. This group, now numbering thirteen, recruited Hollow Ones, Disparates, and newly-Awakened mages alike for training. Experienced mages are also welcome to study at the Academy, but all who take advantage of the Academy’s resources must use their skills to protect the Sleepers and further the Academy’s aims.

The curriculum for full time students is designed to maximize their natural inclinations, rather than fit them into a specific box. In addition to a full curriculum of mundane subjects, students learn from mages of all Traditions and are encouraged to develop their own methodologies and paradigms. These arrangements are not entirely one-sided. Graduates and instructors of the Academy have limited access to the organization’s Sleeper and mystic resources. Rumor has it that the original creator of the Academy had a close relationship with a high-ranking member of the Technocracy. Though these rumors cannot be confirmed, the story goes that they were friends before either was recruited to their particular sides of the Ascension War. Each tried to convince the other to see the wisdom of his methods, but in the end each declared himself a victor. The Technocrat survived their lifelong debate, while the Traditionalist left a legacy that will live beyond the war. Who is to say which was correct?

