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Charles Delmare, known as Charles VI by his underlings, is the war leader and priscus of the Sabbat in Central and South America.


In his lifetime, Charles was young knight who fought in the Albigensian Crusade – on both sides, which earned him the attention of a Lasombra who chose to Embrace him rather than let him die of fever. During the Anarch Revolt, he again fought on both sides, until his sire warned the other elders of his double-dealings, which forced Charles to side with the Anarchs.

In the aftermath of the formation of the Sabbat, he joined a small pack that rampaged through southern France until they set off to the New World. Due to his fighting prowess, he became Bishop of Montréal and later Archbishop of French Guiana. As the result of an intrigue of his enemies, he was promoted to Cardinal of South America, a dangerous post that had claimed five other Cardinals before. To everyone's surprise, he held the post for 150 years until he was promoted to Priscus under Regent Galbraith.

Charles double-dealings extend to his unlife. He uses the various factions within the Sabbat to his advantage and drops them when they are no longer useful. In his heart, however, he strives to discipline the Sabbat, not only in response to the threat of the Antediluvians, but also to the various other supernatural phenomenons that haunt the night. Charles also believes that the Sabbat has to invest more into mortal infrastructures in order to maintain its ground against the Camarilla.

He is a staunch opponent of blood magic and supports the Sabbat Inquisition in their hunt against infernalists.


The Lasombra elder stands 5'4" tall, with a stocky build, a square, bony face, and winning smile. He has shoulder-length auburn hair, worn pinned back, and a short beard and mustache. He wears a brown suit and fedora, with flashy cufflinks, tie tack, watch-chain, and jeweled rings. He loves fine clothes, though he refuses to change his wardrobe's style more than once every 50-100 years, and the last time came in 1935.

Hundreds of portraits further adorn Charles' house; once or twice a year he hires a painter so he can see if his appearance has changed. Charles also has a small, bare room paneled in mirrors. A few hours spent looking at the infinitely multiplied absence of himself leaves Charles drained and despairing enough to commit any treachery or abomination for the sake of power.

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