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Changeling: The Lost Second Edition is the Second Edition of Changeling: The Lost, updated to use the new rules detailed in Chronicles of Darkness.


From the Onyx Path catalogue:

Once upon a time, they took you from your home.
They promised you a place at their side, and meaning in your life, and they surrounded you with beautiful things.
But the beautiful things were oh so sharp, and they laughed when you bled.
Day by day, they changed you. But day by day, your will grew stronger.
On the last day, you smashed your way through the beautiful things and ran, not noticing as you bled or feeling as you cried.
You fought with courage and cleverness and took yourself home.
Now the beauty and the horror are yours, to have and to hold and to live.
Welcome to once upon right fucking now.

Changeling: The Lost Second Edition includes:

  • Everything you need to create and play your own changeling, a human abducted by the fae and transformed by the experience.
  • A complete setting of faerie wonder and macabre horror for the Chronicles of Darkness.
  • A guide to changeling society, caught between the twin poles of human hearts and the vast fantastic.
  • Supernatural powers, mystical oaths, and creatures out of legend.



A brief foreword by Ethan Skemp.


An introduction to the themes, concept, and lexicon of the game.

Chapter One: The Face in the Mirror[]

Covers the various Seemings, Courts, and Kiths, providing a detailed description of each.

Chapter Two: More Thing in Heaven and Earth[]

Covers several core ideas of the game itself, such as the Gentry, the Hobgoblins, and the Hedge.

Chapter Three: Words of Wonder[]

Rules on character creation and various Changeling specific rules.

Chapter Four: Words of Binding[]

Covers how to play the game.

Chapter Five: Shared Nightmares[]

Details the many things that plague the changelings, such as the Huntsmen and and Fetch.

Chapter Six: All the Kingdoms of the Earth[]

Details Freeholds in various locations around the world, such as Hong Kong and Iceland.

Chapter Seven: Tales Around the Fire[]

A guide to storytelling Changeling.

Appendix One: The Fae-Touched[]

Details the Fae-Touched, mortals who enter the Hedge.

Appendix Two: Equipment[]

Details the equipment in the game.

Appendix Three: Tilts[]

Details tilts.

Appendix Four: Conditions[]

Details conditions.

Background Information[]

Memorable Quotes[]


The Dragon Court[]

  • Summer Wong
  • Xiaoming
  • Eddie and Alexia Siu

The Society of Elves[]

  • Armslength
  • Masked Jórunn
  • Krzysztof Kowalczyk
  • Runa Tryggvisdottir


  • Lacey O'Donnell
  • Old Bartholomew
  • Aunt Peg
  • Danny Doyle, the Shipwright

Tumbledown Market[]

  • Wren Lamontaigne
  • Charlotte Wake
  • The Pie Man
  • The Tumbledown Players

It Happened To Me[]

  • Aimee, who recently escaped her Durance
  • Katrina, who escaped less recently
  • James, Aimee's Fetch
  • Lucy, James' wife
  • John, a seer
  • Wendy, adoptive guardian of changeling children


Arcadia, Bastion, Bedlam, Bridge Burners, Changeling, Clarity, Cold Iron, Contract, Court, Durance, Echoes, Fae-Touched, Fetch, Frailty, Glamour, Goblin Fruit, Hedge, Hedge Ghost, Hobgoblin, Huntsmen, Icon, Kenning, Kith, Loyalist, Mask, Mien, Motley, Needle and Thread, Oneiromancy, Pledge, Privateer, Regalia, Seeming, Token, Touchstone, True Fae, Wyrd

Previous release:
CTL: The Huntsmen Chronicle Anthology Buy it from DriveThruFiction!
Game Books
Changeling: The Lost books
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CTL: Hearts on Trial Buy it from DriveThruRPG!