Changeling: The Dreaming 20th Anniversary Player's Guide is a supplement for Changeling: The Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition.
- From the Onyx Path Catalog:
Autumn Leaves Tumble Down
The Dreaming is a vast and ever-changing place, especially in the turbulent time of the Evanescence. New dreams take shape as Winter winds howl outside the windows and Glamour fights to bring light and warmth to a world where hearts go cold even as temperatures rise. Changelings everywhere must make a dangerous choice – unite and stand together against the rising dark… or take what they can for themselves and hope to rule from the shadows.
Winter Winds Are Rising
This all-new Changeling: The Dreaming Player’s Guide features:
- A new form of playable chimera: the enigmatic Lycians
- In-depth exploration of lands and new kiths from around the world
- Add a gameplay edge to political chronicles with the new Agendas system
- Rules for creating highly customized Banner Houses
- A first-ever look at playing Síocháin, the elusive fae immortals
- Secret societies to add mystery and intrigue to any chronicle
- A deep dive into the culture and inner workings of the Shadow Court
- Updated Arts: Tale-Craft and Infusion
- And much, much more!
Let the Balefires Burn Bright!
Five Short Tales[]
Fiction introduction.
Overview of the book, and a short essay, "Disabled in the Dreaming by Elsa Sjunneson-Henry".
Chapter One: The Great Game[]
This chapter focuses on the politics of the Noble Houses, including the Shadow Court, the House of Concordia, and the existence of banner houses.
- Oath of the Raised Banner
Chapter Two: Shadows and Light[]
Here the book goes into more depth about the Shadow Court and secret societies among the Kithain.
- Backgrounds, Merits, and Flaws:
- Dark Reputation (Shadow Court Background)
- Unseen Masters (Shadow Court Background)
- Thallain Blessing (2 Pt Supernatural Merit)
- Thallain Curse (3 Pt Supernatural Flaw)
Chapter Three: A World of Dreams[]
A survey of lands beyond Concordia, including new kiths from Africa, Australia, South America, and the Middle East.
Chapter Four: Deeper Mysteries[]
Exploration of what it means to be Kithain, including the Siochain, and more about Nightmare, Bedlam, Musing and Unleashing.
- Example Mantles:
- The Knight-Errant
- The Wolf
Chapter Five: Chimera[]
In addition to giving additional rules for creating chimera, this chapter includes a playable type of chimera, Lycians.
- Lycian Backgrounds:
- Allies
- Changeling Companion
- Merits and Flaws:
- Clever Guise (5 pt. Merit)
- Stuck in Place (3 pt. Flaw)
- Lycian Redes:
- Two Places at Once
- Healthy
- Revelry
- Lycians of Note:
- Koakai - Bucolic Mythic
- Misty - Maieutic Humanoid
- Romana - Quixotic Animal
- New Redes:
- Bargainer's Bond
- Breath
- Crown of Glory
- Dreamweaving
- Hunter's Boon
- Imaginary Friend
- Kiss of Enmity
- Leaps and Bounds
- Loyal Guardian
- Riadstradh
- Example Chimera:
Chapter Six: A Treasury of Magic[]
Various new magical systems, including voile, new Arts, new Treasures and Wonders, and a new kith, the Swan Maidens.
- Voile:
- Accessories:
- Outfits:
- Armor:
- Treasures and Wonders:
- Wonders:
- New Art: Tale-Craft
Memorable Quotes[]
"a troll for social justice - except I'm not actually a troll." - Countess Anne ni Eiluned
- Lord Kherr Alami - Sidhe, Died
- Lynna - Eshu
- Lady Vilosi
- Dominion - Sevartal, Current Leader of the Black Court
- Fareiya
- Kelebogile - Eshu
- Queen Keabetswe, the Queen of Rivers
- Alastair Silhouetter, Firstborn of Silence, Duke of the Whisper Temple
- Leslie
- Ruby - Lycian, Doll
- Rasmus - Goblin
- Raz - Ruby's friend
- Mindy - Ruby's friend
- Lady Elena Ti'Kali - House Fiona
- High King David
- Lord Ariadne
- Count Ailin ap Ailil
- Baroness Anne Blackwell, the Old Firm motley
- Lord Eric Trayce - Noble, Head of House Tinean, Barony of Pines
- Izzy - Barony of Pines
- Lady Alayne Grace - Leanhaun
- Kat - Mortal
- Countess Glynann Jones
- Duchess Severa - Co-Ruler of Nocturne Keep, Head of House Fírinne
- Duke Alecander "Blackheart" Aetherington - Co-Ruler of Nocturne Keep, Head of House Fírinne
- Baron Donovan Cóyotl of Hanging Hills - Pooka, Head of the House Barghest
- Fareia - Ghast, Black Court Member
- Chiska - Kelpie, Black Court Member
- Ardentere - Mandragora, Black Court Member
- Elissa, "Disquiet" - Siochain Sluagh, Black Court Member
- Maximilian Starlight - Prince of Glam, Rock Star, Burning Revel Member
- Jay Toddyfellow - Boggan, Burning Revel Member
- Roy "Scoops" Miller - Eshu, Burning Revel Member
- Tefira - Satyr, Burning Revel Member and "Scoops" True Love
- Killian Solander - Eshu, Burning Revel Member
- Blythe Wolff - Sluagh, Burning Revel Member
- Freddie Velour - Sidhe, Burning Revel Member
- Lyssa Coraline - Selkie, Burning Revel Member
- Zelda Anemone - Selkie, Burning Revel Member
- Queen Mab - Cat's Cradle Member
- Lady Sierra
- Dafyll
- Countess Anne ni Eiluned - Cat's Cradle Member
- Countess Rhona McCready ni Scathach - Cat's Cradle Member
- Queen Laurel
- Countess Annabelle Mendoza ni Fiona - Boggan, Cat's Cradle Member
- Baroness Talora Balliet ni Dougal - Troll, Cat's Cradle Member
- Ravindiran Kalluri - Eshu, Common Rights Society Member
- Red Sarah O'Roark - Clurichaun, Common Rights Society Member
- Jennet Toefting - Boggan, Common Rights Society Member
- Kimber Delivorias ni Dougal - Autumn Sidhe, Common Rights Society Member
- Jedao Wintersmith - Nocker, Jedao's House of Wonders Member
- Queen Mary Elizabeth
- Jesse Redmane - Redcap, Jedao's House of Wonders Member
- Genevieve Revier ni Fiona - Sidhe Wilder, Jedao's House of Wonders Member
- Amariya Saadauri - Eshu Grump, Jedao's House of Wonders Member
- "Duke" Guile aka Scarlet Sorcerer - Sidhe, Crystal Circle Member
- Rhynn MacKenna ap Scathach - Crystal Circle Member
- Bella Luna - Sluagh Oracle, Crystal Circle Member
- Alley Cat, the Monster Maker - Pooka, Crystal Circle Member
- Duke Dray - Beltaine Blade Member
- Duke Edgar Vandermere ap Beaumayne - Beltaine Blade Member
- Sir Medran Armitage ap Daireann - Beltaine Blade Member, Kingdom of Pacifica
- Count Arthaud Mellenys ap Dougal - Beltaine Blade Member
- General Dame Varda Grummrmund - First Trolls Commons (ret.), Autumn Veterans of the Accordance War Member
- Doctor Ethaine Dhennin - Sluagh, Autumn Veterans of the Accordance War Member
- Black Maggie Dalziel - Redcap, Autumn Veterans of the Accordance War Member
- Valravn - Sidhe, Autumn Veterans of the Accordance War Member
- Chief Greyhawk
- Yanaba Whitehawk - Kachina, Walkers of the White Road Member
- Tsula Anderson - Nanehi, Walkers of the White Road Member
- Lupe Delgado - Surem, Walkers of the White Road Member
- Mahica - Rock Giant, Walkers of the White Road Member
- Sphinx - "Empress," Leader of the Empire of the Sphinx, last of her kith and knows the Spell of Life
- King Biniam Desta - Current-Ruler of Kingdom of Nubia
- Emperor Issa Traore - House Shango (Banner ally to House Gwydion) Leader of the Cradle of Empires, Passed
- High King Kutloani Mamello - King of High Snows, Ruler of the Realm of Seasons
- Greets with Fire - Simba Bastet Queen
- Cuyania - Siochain and considered one of the first changelings, "La Madremonte" or "The Mother Mountain"
- Queen Kiela - Ruler of Bellatierra
- King Alvarez - Alicanto Grump, Ruler of Kingdom of Mountains
- Vanesa Novak - Eshu Wilder, Kingdom of Mountains
- Queen Camellia - Ruler of the Kingdom of Amazonia
- Mateo - Sachamama, Kingdom of Amazonia
- Olivia Dias - Boraro Grump, Kingdom of Amazonia
- Araverá - Kingdom of Altiplano
- Colibri - Kingdom of Altiplano
- Sir William Edgerton ap Dougal - Missing
- Tokunbo - Eshu
- Lowanna - Mimi elder
- Duke Edward McLaren - House Fiona, Ruler of the Duchy of the Blue Mountains
- James "Bonebiter" Callahan - Redcap, First Duke of the Duchy of the Winding River, Died
- Kaiya - dulklorrkelorrkeng, the Duchy of the Winding River
- Duchess Ragnild MacLaren - The Duchy of the Winding River
- Duke Lester Shaunnessy - House Daireann, Current leader of the Duchy of the Winding River
- Maren Gilbride - Nocker, the Duchy of Gold
- Duchess Sabrina Northrup - House Gwydion, Ruler of the Duchy of Gold
- Ciaran Cormac Carolan - Boggan, the Duchy of the Swan
- Duchess of Swans, Leona Villiard - Boggan, Ruler of the Duchy of the Swan
- Ellin - Rainmaker, Tasmania
- Dame Lenah ni Beaumayn - Sidhe, Tasmania
- Inanna - Star of the Evening and the Morning and Keeper of the Word, Al-Hilal Al-Khaseeb
- Ereshkigal - Fomorian
- Padishah Karim Ibn Hassan Reza Mehran - Ifrit, Ruler of the Empire of the Caucasus
- Shahbanu Anahid Ishtarzadeh - Karim's Eshu Consort, Empire of the Caucasus
- Mahbub Ibn Iqbal Al-Ghazzawi - Dove Pooka, "Beloved Son of Fortune, Caliph of the Caliphate of Cedars
- Scheherazade - Legendary Eshu
- Esther beth Berakha - Qareen, Caliphate of Cedars
- Ibrahim ibn Idris - Qareen, Caliphate of Cedars
- Amos ben Eliyahu - Previous Caliph of the Caliphate of Cedars
- Talitha bint Ameen ibn Rashid al-Hajr - House Leanhaun, Lilin, Ruler of Sultanate of Hejaz
- High Lord Eleanor
- Grace - Example Siochain Character
- Lady Riri of House Fiona - Created Harald the Wayward Guide
- Lady Narcissa - Sidhe, House Leanhaun
- Inisheer - Freelance Prince Charming of the Shadow Court, Swan Maiden
Places: Land of Ancient Dreams, Empire of the Sphinx, Court of the Sphinx (Freehold), Kingdom of Nubia, Eternal Story (Freehold), Cradle of Empires, Emperor's Way (Trod), Eye of the Sahara, Nameless Library (Near Dreaming), Realm of Seasons, Table Mountain, Bellatierra, Kingdom of Mountains, Kingdom of Amazonia, Kingdom of Altiplano, Janji (Freehold), Ukhu Pacha (Realm), Dreamtime, Duchy of Blue Mountains, New Albion (Freehold), Duchy of the Winding River, Duchy of Gold, Duchy of the Swan, Land of the Rainbow Serpent, Songlines, Al-Hilal Al-Khaseeb, Empire of the Caucasus, Alzaqura (Freehold), Caliphate of Cedars, Tel Yasmin (Freehold), Sultanate of Hejaz, Al-Ahlam Alealiqa (Freehold, "The Oasis of Lingering Dreams"), Barony of Pines (Pine Barrens, NJ), Duchy of Liberty's Heart, Court of All Seasons (Freehold), Duchy of High Mountains, Caer Astra, Warrior's Hearth (Freehold), Higher Hunting Grounds, Kingdom of Albion; Kiths: biloko, okubili, djedi, kuino, obambo, alicanto, boraro, encantado, llorona, sachamama, dulklorrkelorrkeng, mimi, rainmaker, yawkyawk, ifrit, lilin, qareen, shaytan, swan maiden; Other: Concordian Parties: The Stained Glass Hearts, The Eternal Harvest, The Winter's Edge, The Mothers of Woe, The New Dread, A Series of Tubes; Banner Houses: House Fírinne, House Tinean, House Barghest; Secret Societies: The Burning Revel, The Cat's Cradle, Common Rights Society, Jedao's House of Wonders (Events: Fashion Week, Faery Festival, Kristkindlmarkt), The Crystal Circle, The Beltaine Blade, The Autumn Veterans of the Accordance War, The Walkers of the White Road; Siochain: Mantle, Tribute, Verses, Promise Bittersweet, Small Councils, Grand Councils, Nightmare, Bedlam, Lost Ones, Musing, Reverie, Rapture, Ravaging, Revelry, Rhapsody, Unleashing, Imprint, Legacy; Chimera: Lycians, Guises: Bucolic, Maieutic, Oppidan, Quixotic; Shapes: Humanoid, Animal, Mythic; Thesis, Legacies, Nightmare, Glamour, Reaping, Banality, Redes, Companions, Feral Chimera, Bonding, Origins, Attitude, Complication; Treasury: Dreamstuff, Voile, Treasures, Wonders, Infusion, Tale-Craft; Etc.: Jackals (Changeling Society, Warriors of Anubis), Amenti, Ancestor Chimera, Eternal Dancers (Motely, Cradle of Empires), Company (Group of Kuino), Os Guardiões (Group of ten changelings), Treaty of Sierra Madre, Santos pod (Encantado), War of the Songlines, Spirit Beings, Apsu, Jinn, Great Unleashing, Bisha'a, Ghûls (Thallain),
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