Celerity is the Discipline that endows Kindred with superhuman speed.
Tales and legends of vampires ascribe to them supernatural speed, the ability to move faster than the eye can see, and even to appear in two places at once as if teleporting. While some of those accounts are exaggerated, Kindred with the Discipline of Celerity can indeed move far faster than any mortal. They appear to blur into nothingness, all others moving as if in slow motion in comparison.
Cost of using Celerity: 1 Vitae per turn.
Add the amount of dots you have in Celerity to Defence/Armor. You are moving so fast this applies to even ranged attacks like guns.
Also add the dots you have in Celerity to you Initiative. Such as if you had a 5 in Initiative and a 3 in Celerity, your new Initiative for combat is now a +8.
Then you also add your dots in Celerity to your speed. So assuming your character has a Celerity of 3 and a Speed of 12, he has an effective speed of 48 [(1+3) x 12] during the turns he activates Celerity. Then if he runs while using Celerity his speed is 96. Almost 65 mph!
- VTR: Vampire: The Requiem Rulebook, p 123