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Caste Book: Twilight is a splatbook that details the sorcerers, craftsman and scholars of the Unconquered Sun in Exalted.


From the White Wolf catalog:

The Savants of the Unconquered Sun
Savants, craftsmen, and cunning men, the Twilight Castes of the Solar Exalted are the meddling sorcerer servents of the Unconquered Sun. Yet, these crafty tricksters are more than magicians and scholars. With its clever minds and invincible sorcery, the Twilight Caste is a mighty force for enlightenment in a benighted world. Those who would trick the masses and lock away wisdom should fear, for these savants of the Unconquered Sun have come to deliver knowledge to the ignorant.
The Greatest Sorcerers Creation Has Ever Seen
Caste Book: Twilight is third in the Caste Book line for Exalted -- books detailing the different castes of the Solar Exalted. Within its pages are all of the secrets of the Twilight Caste, from its members unmatched mastery of sorcery to their fragmentary memories of the First Age. This book also contains new Charms, rules, spells, and artifacts to help them reclaim their heritage of power.

Light of Evening[]


Chapter One: Our Souls Through Our Eyes[]

Chapter Two: Obligations of the Caste[]

Chapter Three: The World Awaiting Us[]

Chapter Four: Voices Not Our Own[]

Chapter Five: Dreams of the First Age[]

Chapter Six: Magic of the Twilight[]

Appendix I: Signature Characters[]

Appendix II: Other Notable Twilight Caste[]

Background Information[]

Memorable Quotes[]


  • Sayn
  • Fehim
  • Horakinis
  • Iay Selak-Amu
  • Arianna


Previous book:
Savage Seas
Game Books
Exalted books
Next book:
Games of Divinity