Carrion Bird is a Totem of War.
Death is a process of natural selection, but those who have fallen can nourish those who still live. To the eyes of Carrion Bird, they have become nothing but a resource for those who still live. Carrion Bird only accepts packs who are steadfast survivors, but has no interest in cowards. Only by proving themselves capable of entering dangerous situations and surviving them can a pack gain (and retain) Carrion Bird’s favor.
While the natural versions of Carrion Birds are considered a sub-species of Crow or Raven, Carrion Bird’s supernatural aspects hold no particular alliance with Grandfather Thunder or other patrons of Crow or Raven. Carrion Bird followed Lion, and Lion alone, at least as long as it served his best interests to do so.
Modern Times[]
When the White Howlers became the Black Spiral Dancers, this pragmatic totem-spirit shifted its alliance as well. It now acts as a totem predominantly to those who serve the Wyrm. Any who follow it after the Howlers’ fall subtract an additional two from any awards of temporary Honor Renown, and are likely to be held in suspicion of being Wyrm-tainted themselves.
- Background Cost: 7
Traits & Ban[]
- Individual Traits: Those who follow Carrion Bird subtract one from the difficulty of all Survival rolls, and gain an extra die on any roll where their own death is on the line, including, but not limited to combat. Each pack member subtracts one from any awards of temporary Honor Renown.
- Pack Traits: Carrion Bird’s packs gain three dots in any rolls related to scrounging, scavenging, or making use of discarded materials (or corpses), and two points of Willpower per story. Corax are well disposed towards the pack.
Those who follow Carrion Bird may not participate in funerary rites or practices (formal or informal) of any sort.
- WTA: White Howlers Tribebook, p. 74