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White Wolf Wiki

Carlos is the Sixth Generation Ravnos childe of Natasha, he was once a Romani proto-Nomad that traveled across North America before The Collapse. Currently he occupies Night City.


Carlos lived with a group of modem Gypsies. His band traveled across North America in automobiles, campers and pickups. They stopped in cities to earn money, make contacts and the like, but always moved on again.

Every few years, the Twins would appear. They were two of the oldest of the Blood on this continent, and they always had stories of places and things they had seen or stolen. They never stayed long, though the Gypsies loved them. When Carlos had just 20. one of the twins arrived in his encampment. This vampire, 'Tasha, approched him and offered to take him down her endless road.

He accepted, and they left less than a week later. Since that night, Carlos has visted his family only occasionally over the next years. Carlos does not mind. He never had so much fun when he was alive!


A tall, dashingly handsome young man. Carlos dresses in the flashiest styles available, unless he's being surreptitous, in which case he dresses in more subdued attire. A subtle frarance reminiscent of crushed rose petals always seems to surround him.

Roleplaying Hints[]

Be a gentlemman at all times; kiss the hands of the ladies, shake the hands of the men, always speak eloquently and occasionally bombastically. You always make everything look like a grand theatre. The overall purpose in your life is to have fun.

Character Sheet[]

