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The Capacocha (a term meaning royal sin) are the Immortals of South America.


While the Shemsu-Heru speculated that a renegade Ishmaelite taught a bastardized version of the Spell of Life to one of the indigenous sorcerers, the Capacocha themselves tell tales of a gift the gods themselves granted to the people of Mesoamerica, long before the Egyptians even began to properly bury their dead.

Although their Spell of Life was powerful, it contained two critical weaknesses: If the body of the mummy would be damaged, he would remain banished to the Shadowlands and he could not return to his body on his own effort, having to rely on his descendants and cultists to call him back to life. When the Spanish invasion hit, both weaknesses were exploited, as the invaders forbid the sacrifices that would have revived the dead and many Capacocha were destroyed utterly by the new foreign weapons. Confronted with this, the lingering spirits of the Capacocha reformed their spell of Life, an act that stretched over five hundred years. The result was the Teomallki, reformed mummies similar in nature to the Amenti.


The Spell of Going Westward to the Sunrise was developed 5050 BC by the Chinchorro culture of modern Chile. The Chinchorro packed the corpses of the deceased in clay, stuffing them with herbs and and drying them in the sun, forming the Pachamallki, the mud mummies, who would rise when called up by their descendants, but spent most of their time in the Dark Kingdom of Obsidian.

When the Chinchorro culture was introduced maize and potatoes by the neighboring Chimu culture roughly at 1530 BCE, they shared the Spell of Going Westward with them. The Chimu dried their dead, wrapped them in cloth and formed artificial heads for them to strengthen. These would become the Intimallki, the sun mummies.

Some Immortals ventured forth and encountered other cultures in the amazonian rainforests. They shared their knowledge of the Spell with them and the indigenous tribes began to rub their dead with balsams and then smoked them over scented wood. They would form the Uchumallki, the fire mummies.

When the Quechuan and Aymara nations united to form the Land of Four Quarters under the control of the Inca family, the Immortals shared their knowledge of the Spell with them. The Incas mummified their dead and placed them in ceremonial buildings at mountaintops, adorned with golden masks and frozen by the everlasting cold. Many were mummified at their peak, least old age or accident would rob them from their families. They would form the Chaskimallki, the messenger mummies.

List of Known Capacocha[]

