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Camazotz Fetishes are fetishes unique to the lost breed, Camazotz.



List of Camazotz Fetishes[]

  • Shadow-Curse Doll - Level 4, Gnosis 8 - The Camazotz needed no help to remain unseen when their duties required it. Their Gifts and natural talent for subtlety worked to their benefit. However, occasionally one of the Camazotz's secrets was uncovered. The werebat would traditionally use a Shadow-Curse Doll to silence the witness for a while. The Shadow-Curse Doll takes the form of a tiny doll or puppet made out of furry leather (actually bat or rat-skin). The doll is made with only the barest suggestion of a face, and always has a pouch somewhere on its body. To activate the fetish, the Camazotz must put a small object belonging to the target - or a piece of the target's body, such as a hair or nail clipping - into the pouch while silently mothing the victim's name three times. Then she must hide the doll, for as soon as she sees it, the curse will end. While the curse is in effect, the target becomes supernaturally easy to overlook. Anyone looking at him has to succeed at a Perception + Awareness roll difficulty 9) to register his presence. Truly heroic efforts on the victim's part - physically assaulting someone, waving a swan-off shotgun in a bank teller's face, writing a desperate plea for help on a wall with bright red paint - reduce the difficulty to 8, at the Storyteller's discretion. Even if someone does notice the victim, she will forget all about him as soon as he's out of sight. This 'invisibility' extends to all the victim's efforts at communication, including writing, telephone calls, or using a computer - writing a note on the wall with bright red paint is not a sure wat to get noticed. The curse lasts for twenty-four hours, or until the victim or the Camazotz next sees the doll, whichever comes first. This fetish requires the binding of many minor spirits of vengeance, pettiness, and shadows. It taps into the spirits' ill temper and love of mayhem, and will not work if the "victim" is willing.


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