The Camarilla Hand are generally discreet, powerful, and old Tal’Mahe’Ra members who have placed themselves in positions of authority within that sect.
Sect members within the Camarilla move very carefully. Almost all Hand members within the Camarilla are very old. While there are a few younger ones, the Camarilla’s Hand members are extremely selective in their recruitment, choosing only the most powerful and discreet. In addition, they tend to choose new members they can buy off, blackmail or threaten.
The Camarilla Hand is not without its own enemies. At least two Justicars suspect there is some kind of grand conspiracy, but neither they nor their Archons have had any luck uncovering anything that could actually incriminate Hand members. A few Princes and Primogen have also begun their own investigations into curious events that suggest a link between the Sabbat and the Camarilla Hand members.
Camarilla Hand members tend to be very noble, proper, powerful and influential. Most were masters of the Camarilla’s power games long before they joined the sect. One of the major problems faced by the Camarilla’s Hand is the distrust between fellow Hand members. This has led to much plotting and secrecy within the sect. Camarilla Hand members tend to work alone or in small groups. This is as much to secure their own power as it is to protect other Camarilla Hand members, should they be discovered.
- VTM: Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand, p. 45