White Wolf Wiki

The Caliphate of Cedars is a Kingdom of the Kithain in comprising Palestine, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria.


Valmont Eshu2

The Caliphate of Cedars includes the countries once known as the Levant, or “The Land Where the Sun Rises”: Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, and Israel. Many changelings have come from Europe, drawn by the mild climate and beautiful scenery. The political turmoil of the region feeds the Glamour of some of the Kithain, notably the redcaps and some of the trolls. Most, however, strive to maintain a graceful lifestyle, with touches of Arabian and Turkish influences in dress and manners. The current caliph, the pooka Mahbub ibn Iqbal (“Beloved Son of Fortune”) keeps his court and any visitors entertained with stories equaled only by those of the legendary Scherezade. The frequent unrest in the region has driven many changelings back to Europe, but some stubborn few have vowed to preserve the dreams of the region’s ancient cultures.


  1. CTDChangeling: The Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition, p. 79.