Caleb Kinsey is a Vampire.
Quote: I got an idea. Why don't you get the fuck away from me? That way I won't have to tear your throat out.
Caleb Kinsey moved far away from his family, his old life and any chance at ever having to deal with that time and place again. He wasn't going to be a college boy. He knew that from the start, and he didn't have any sweet jobs lined up. It was just time to get the hell out of Didge. So he up and moved to Taos, New Mexico and got a job as an assistant at a dingy little emergency-vet clinic. The pay was crummy but it afforded him a place to live, and he didn't have to talk to too many people.
One night, about six months into the job, a trucker brought in a "dog" he had hit out on Route 612. But it looked more like a wolf. The vet was out on a supply run, so Caleb tended to the animal's wounds, which were miraculously better than they'd been when the animal was brought in. Suddenly the creature was up on the metal table, snapping and foaming red at the moth. Before Caleb knew what was happening, jaws clamped around his neck. Caleb knew he was dead. He just didn't know that he'd wake up again in a half-lit almost-life.
He was on the desert and watched as a man walked away, toward the Sangre de Cristos Mountains, and then dropped to all fours as a wolf. Caleb found his way back into Taos, wondering what in God's name had happened to him. When he saw a girl by the 7-11, he felt the hunger stir. The world went red. He took her without meaning to, and left her struggling for life near a dumpster, his craving satiated. Soon afterward, with barely a thought, he found himself in wolf form, too. That's when he left town altogether, trying to figure out what he'd become.
The Loner is a vampire, but he might not realize it. Yes, he drinks blood. No, he has no heartbeat. But he can turn into a wolf since being bitten. So what is he? Any hunter might ask the same question. Any surveillance using observation edges could reveal a creature that appears more like a shapeshifter than a vampire - predation of animals in the wild, extended bouts spent in animal form - despite the truth of the situation.
Equipment: None
Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity (Fast) 4, Stamina 3, Charisma 2, Manipulation 1, Appearance 3, Perception (Hawk-eyes) 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 2
Abilities: Alertness 3, Animal Ken 3, Brawl 3, Dodge 1, Intuition 2, Investigation 1, Medicine 1, Stealth (Shadows) 4, Survival 2
Backgrounds: Contacts 1
Powers: Beast Speech (SC, p. 33), Shapeshift (SC, p. 37), Speed 2 (SC, p. 32), Summon Animals (SC, p. 34)
Willpower: 5
Blood: 7
- HTR: Hunter: Urban Legends, p. 90