White Wolf Wiki

La Calcédoine ('The Chalcedony' in English) is the codename of a program within the French DGSE dedicated to eliminating blankbody terrorists. The org possesses strong ties to the Coalition, but is not sufficiently involved to be considered a full-on member.


By the time the newly-awakened IAO began creating the Heartbeat algorithm to comb its international intelligence for signs of the paranormal, France’s DGSE intelligence agency had already created a threat-identification system called Emeraude to act as a counterpart to the ECHELON program of the Five Eyes. Lieutenant Colonel François Senghor had noticed that the anomalous findings from Emeraude eerily fit, of all things, a profile of “most secret threats” assembled by Cardinal Richelieu’s Cabinet Noir. FIRSTLIGHT support allowed Senghor to create the Calcédoine program within DGSE in 2008, which swiftly drove François Villon into hiding and began to clear Marseille of vampires - a process which has stagnated until well into the 2020s. Calcédoine expanded into Africa in 2011, accompanying French troops deployed to Mali, Niger, Gabon, and Côte d’Ivoire.


Closely aligned with FIRSTLIGHT and guided by the DGSE’s Emeraude threat-identification system, La Calcédoine comprises a pragmatic group of specialists that are attached to regular military forces or gendarmes when blankbody activity is suspected. While on board with the broader agenda of the Coalition, La Calcédoine believes that vampires are part of a greater supernatural conspiracy they call la menace secréte. These French hunters often take action in tandem with their military forces in Africa and are known as expert interrogators.

It’s thus unsurprising that La Calcédoine prefers to capture blankbodies and squeeze them for confessions concerning their role in the secret threat. Currently they are the only second-party partner pushing for an open war, as their intelligence has led them to believe that a powerful vampire ancestor will soon arise and unite the undead against humankind. La Calcédoine has a deep bench of interrogators that are specially trained to extract confessions from blankbodies and their human accomplices. Before the Coalition they plied their trade against insurgents in former colonies, but have been called back home to serve. These "Questionneurs" conduct their business in a prison or secure facility outfitted with specially designed implements of torture.


Witch-hunter orgs
Coalition orgs USA: FIRSTLIGHT/SAD/IAO · Brazil: BOES/PMEX · Russia: GRU-N58/Akritai/Unit 242 · UK: Newburgh Group/JTRG/SO13 · Vatican: La Entità/Society of St. Leopold · Bureau IX · Calcédoine · G-Kontoret · HSP · TID · Unit 8211
Academic orgs Arcanum
Corporate orgs Chopra-wafadar · Fada · Monster-X · Neo Albion · Orpheus Group · Re:Venge · Strike Force Zero
Government orgs DAAE · Division Six · GSG 10 · Manila DoJ-SRP · Project Twilight
Religious orgs Ikhwan al-Safa · The Judges · Nails of Christ · Order of the Rose · Society of St. George
Vigilante orgs Cog Conspiracy · D-Club · Duffy Family · ECLIPSE · Mortician's Army · Toussaint Brigade
